Xamarin.Forms MessagingCenter to update Pages BindingContext and PopAsync
Hi Guys, i have the following situation: private async void UpdateKundenDatenInOverviewPage(KundenDatenPageModel e) { initializerModel.KundenDaten = e; BindingContext = initializerModel; await...
View ArticleUnhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with...
Anyone having or ever had an issue with installing Xamarin Forms 3.0+ (or another version) and then the app starts crashing on the .init(..) line in the android activity on start up. I am creating a...
I know that there is already an existing post about this issue and problem is resolved by uninstalling existing app in the emulator but This is happening quite often for me recently although app...
View ArticleSQLite 'DeleteAsync' not permanently deleting from database
Hello, I am trying to write a function that removes/deletes a row from my database. here is my code: `async void OnDeleteExercise(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var exercise = (sender as...
View ArticleShared aplication problem
Hello. I have trial version of xamarin and I have stuck on tests phase. I spent a few hours on that. I've created "Shared" solution from scratch. When solution is generated I can compile and run on...
View ArticleNuget package not supporting
Hello Xamarin World, i am using visual studio 2017, i just want create a "xamarin forms app" which will call API in list view. just have one Problem "nuget not supporting..." Nuget package have yellow...
View ArticleLook for example of xamarin form dish dishes on smartphone with SQL Server...
I'm looking for examples of xamarin form dishes on smarphones like cafes, restaurants, ... or example xamarin form that connects SQL Server data and output to listview, do you have share code for me ?
View ArticleFont Awesome not working in iOS
Hello Guys, I am using font awesome for fonts in application. These fonts are working fine on ios emulator, But when I create .ipa file and install that on iPhone then those fonts are not working....
View ArticlePass data between Page and Activity for external application
Ciao. I've a PCL Xamarin.Forms application. I've to call an external application, so I have to create a PageRenderer and an Activity. In the activity, using StartActivityForResult, I can start the...
View ArticlePrismApplication.RegisterTypes is called before constructor
Inserting an object in App constructor. In RegisterTypes I want to register that same object. public partial class App : PrismApplication { public App(IConfiguration configuration, IPlatformInitializer...
View ArticleShow only About-Us content in WebView [Xamarin.Forms]
We are working with Xamarin application and using WebView. Defining a source is a website address of WebView. And we want to show only About-Us content and hide other clickable links of WebView in...
View ArticleRender FontAwesome Icon with button
Hi, I have implemented a bottom navigation bar with four buttons, but I want font awesome icon instead of button and on clicking of icon change the colour of the icon. Is there any way to do that?
View ArticleiOS app crashed while opening and closing the WebView (WKWebView)
I'm developing an iOS application using Xamarin.Forms and it contains WebView in it. Recently my iOS crashing while opening and closing the WebView. It works fine in my iPad (iOS 10.1.1) but crashing...
View ArticleFont Awesome Problem
hello i have a weird problem i am using font awesome in my xamarin forms app it is working fine in my android emulator but when i try to run it on iphone emulator it shows question marks instead of the...
View ArticleListview is not showing in Xamarin.forms with Sqlite
I tried to use Sqlite with Xamarin.forms. I followed the Todo app and almost entirely copied the app. When I view the page with my listview on, nothing is showing. Just blank. Also don't get errors....
View ArticleHow to develop a page with horizontal swiping.
Hi, Iam new in xamarin ,I want to develop a page with horizontal swiping ,the page contains 3 images, I want to display the images in the following style , center image is full sized and the other two...
View ArticlePicker - Custom Control Property pass through - ItemDisplayBinding
Hello, I'm new to Xamarin - I hope that's not a silly question I want to have a custom Control with a picker so I can reuse it. So when I call the custom control everything works like a charm but I...
View ArticleWhat is the best way to do a list with 2 columns using Xamarin Forms
What is the best way to do a list like this: http://puu.sh/oYQk0/1b878ad791.png Is important to know that this list might have > 1,000 elements
View ArticleUnable to select "use .Net Standard" when creating a new blank form app in...
Hello all, I am facing a weird situation when creating a Blank Form App in visual studio for mac. The option of ".Net Standard" is greyed out and I am unable to select it. The only option by default is...
View ArticleCustomEntryRenderer errors
I'm trying to create a custom renderer for an entry control, and have followed this link: https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/96991/how-to-remove-underline-in-entry However, when I try to test the...
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