Hi Guys,
i have the following situation:
private async void UpdateKundenDatenInOverviewPage(KundenDatenPageModel e) { initializerModel.KundenDaten = e; BindingContext = initializerModel; await Navigation.PopAsync(); }
This Method gets invoked by a Message my Page subscribes from. The initializerModel is a class member and gets initialized once in the constructor of the page with default values. After the message was sent i want to update the KundenDaten Property of the initializerModel in order to bind the new data to the page again. But it wont work.
private async void UpdateKundenDatenInOverviewPage(KundenDatenPageModel e)
OverviewPageModel initializerModel = new OverviewPageModel();
initializerModel .KundenDaten = e;
initializerModel .FahrzeugZustand = fahrzeugZustand;
BindingContext = initializerModel;
await Navigation.PopAsync();
This code works. So if i create a new instance of initializerModel (in this case its a OverviewPageModel) and set it as the pages BindingContext the data will appear after i pop the page the message was sent from from the navigationstack.
Can u guys help me?
Thank you in advance, Gelatto