Cant make global variable show up after Navigation.PushModalAsync
The global variable doesnt show up after login is successful, however it shows up when i refresh the page. (Class) public static class Login_information { public static int Global_login_id; public...
View ArticleI can't deploy iOS app to simulator or my iPhone
I built an iOS app successfully. When I try to deploy it to debug, I get the following message: ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== ========== Deploy: 0...
View ArticlePush Notification that really works
Hello everyone, along these 4 days i tried every plugin and component that Xamarin and others provide to work with push notification and no one of them works. i've tried Azure Message, Azure Web...
View ArticleUnhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: bindable not an...
Hi, i got this error Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: bindable not an instance of AssociatedType occurred I dont Know how to solve this. Please Let me know if you have solution...
View Articlehow to remove listview tab color in xamarin forms
is It Possible to Remove listview tab color in xamarin forms ?
View ArticleHow to bind a StackLayout
I have a View Model returning a object. I can bind one ListView, like this: <ListView x:Name="listViewBannerPrincipal" ItemsSource="{Binding banner}"> <ListView.ItemTemplate>...
View ArticleHow to apply border to textbox(Entry) xamarin forms.
Hi, How to apply a border to textbox(Entry) and get normal textbox with border. Is there any way to do that?
View ArticleListview - footer at the bottom right corner
I want to have a footer below Listview which is placed at the bottom right corner when there is not too much items in the listview. Here is my code: <ContentPage...
View Articlehow to skip first page after login when open app it will direct goes to...
I am trying to skip login page when open app on second time i will direct goes to second page i am using SQLite as database plz suggest me any samples
View ArticleWhat's the best iBeacon library for Xamarin.Forms
Hi, I would like to build an application that reads iBeacon, what's the best library that works with xamarin.forms? I read and tried a lot but I could not find anything that seems to work for me......
View ArticleBlocking other apps?
Hello, I'm developing a small app in Xamarin.Forms (btw I'm a total beginner) and I was wondering if there is any way to block the user from accessing all other apps on the phone while my app is running?
View ArticleMany online image in listview(problem with scroll and dispaly large image)
I have listview with many view elements,(especially many images). Each viewcell is consisted from text and images. All data for displaying I obtain from API, including string url for images.. Url for...
View ArticleUser confirmation for exiting Application
Hello, I Am trying to get a user confirmation box when user clicks back button from my app for asking him whether he wants to exit or not and with selection of Yes, App should exit. I am using code...
View ArticlePicker not updating selected item from MVVM
I have a form like below with picker control. Its source is in MVVM's observableCollection. Depending if it's existent Process or new one, _this object is created from scratch or set to object passed...
View ArticleListView auto scrolling to top in iOS when the ItemsSource is updated, works...
I have a ListView with a context minded to the ObservableCollection. Whenever I update my collection during scrolling, ListView automatically scrolls to the top of the list. I am trying to make...
View ArticleImage not showing
Hey guys, I am trying to make a very basic contentPage with just 2 buttons and an image. But no matter what I am trying, the image does not show .. Am I getting crazy or just missing something ? I made...
View ArticleWhich is the proper way of validations of forms?
I have registration form. There are fields like Email, password etc. How to implement validations? On submit of form, required validations & textbox should be highlighted.
View ArticleNaN is not a valid value for width
I have this error in my xamarin app whe I testing in iOS 11.0 or higher : NaN is not a valid value for width, any one can help me with that??. I use xamarin.forms version
View ArticleHope someone can help me debug this. (System.ArgumentNullException)
I posted this on Xamarin.IOS forums. Posting again here in case anyone can help. I have an application that runs in UWP, Android & iOS. I have added a custom font to the application and included it...
View ArticleDowngrade Project form Oreo(27) to Lollipop(21)
Hi I've downloaded VSCommunity2017, used the SDK-Manager to download the proper SDK, made a new AndoidApp(Xamarin) or AndoidXamlApp(Xamarin.Forms), when i switch compile target framework, i get ERROR...
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