Xamarin.forms 3.1 - Resources warnings for Android
Hello, I have just update to Xamarin.forms and now I have this warnings for my Android project/...
View ArticleGithub clone breaks Xamarin.Forms project
Hey, We're developing a mobile app, our team is growing and we need to have a source control method to commit changes between team members. We've tried using Github and Visual Studio Team Services, but...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Crashing System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException
Hello, I'm currently having an issue while launching a xamarin forms app which constantly crashes with this error: FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has...
View ArticlePicker don't show anything
Hi all togehter, i have serious problems with the Picker: <Picker BackgroundColor="Red" Title="Select Job" ItemsSource="{Binding Projects}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedProject,Mode=TwoWay}"...
View ArticleGetting Permission to Camera on Cross-Platform Applications
I am working on a Cross-Platform app using .NET 2.0 Standard. I am currently using the Permissions Plugin by @JamesMontemagno , but am looking for a way to gain access to the camera without having to...
View ArticleHow to add background image on Android action bar?
From what Ive read so far, looks like you can set a background image in the Toolbar.axml or using renderer, can someone provide example code?
View ArticleMobile Apps---Food From Ordering To Delivery V1---
Hi, I have to make complete solution for online "food ordering to delivery" Target Audience/Customer is Arabic/English with iPhone & Android, so if RTL support available by default then it will...
View ArticleListView keep space when user click in Entry in Xamarin.Form(Check in iOS)
I have application where there is chat page. On the page, I use ListView with DataTemplate to show incoming and outgoing message. Now the problem is when I click on Entry(Textbox) where user can write...
View ArticleNative Data Binding to IOS Controls
Hi I have a custom page renderer where I programmatically generate controls and add them to a UIView. My question is how do i go about binding the native ListEntry(subclass of UITextField) class to a...
View ArticleZxing barcode scanner is not working in window tablet for small size barcode
Hi, I am using below code and it works fine for android but on uwp it is not working tablet window 10. it works fine on large barcode but it doesn't work for small size. using System; using...
View ArticleChanging font size of a text in toolbar item
How can I change the font size of a toolbar item? I was searching for a long time over the Internet and Android documentation and still I cannot find that. I think this shouldn't be difficult because...
View ArticleNFCForms UWP Example
Hi, Has anyone got NFCForms working with UWP? The sample only has Android and Winphone. Thanks Paul.
View ArticleXamarin Forms location services work on iOSimulator but not on Testflight build
Repost from stackoverflow, if its ok... I am working on a Xamarin Forms app that asks the user for Location services permission using PermissionsPlugin by James Montemagno. I use Visual Studio 2017 in...
View ArticleXamarin Forms location services work on iOSimulator but not on Testflight build
Repost from stackoverflow, if its ok... I am working on a Xamarin Forms app that asks the user for Location services permission using PermissionsPlugin by James Montemagno. I use Visual Studio 2017 in...
View ArticleCustom renderer for Toolbar Items not working for TabbedPage
Hi, I have 2 toolbar items in tabbed page (with two tabs). <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <TabbedPage xmlns="site wont let me post links" xmlns:x="hence deal with custom qualified...
View ArticleError Executing task LinkAssemblies for Android Release Build
I recently built an application using Xamarin.Forms. The Android app runs fine when using the Debug profile for compilation, however when switching over to Release then compiling it, I get:...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms.Maps crashing on Android
Hi folks, My Xamarin.Forms app crashes when trying to display a map on Android. Here's my code: var map = new Map( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( new Position(0,0), Distance.FromMiles(0.3))) {...
View ArticleOffline Login System....
Hi Folks, I am pretty new to Xamarin although have built one app that uses SQLite, it stores a hashed password which it uses for offline login. There are also web services calls which interact with our...
View ArticleIs there any built in way to Hash passwords?
Looking to hash passwords before storing them in my app and looking to see if there is anything built in. I am using a .NETStandard forms project.
View ArticleHow can I make my Android picker options render as a box instead of a spinner?
On Android, my picker is rendering as this I'd prefer it render as this It's not the color that I'm having a hard time with, it's that it's being rendered as a spinner and I don't want that. I'm...
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