XF3 solution - iOS - FileNotFound Images.imageset/Contents.json
I haven't dealt with the iOS asset catalog stuff before. All new XF3 solution. I've added all the images wanted by the Assets.xcassets/AppIcon pane (and what a pain that is). So I no longer get an...
View Articlewhen i select the item in the list view display the keypad
Every time I selecting an item of the listview,item quntity is dispaly in the Entery so every alternate item appears the numeric keypad in screen, i want appears Numerick key pad Every item. anyone...
View ArticleHow to center image in toolbar in xamarin forms
Basically I want to center image in the toolbar in my app I tried to do that manually in android toolbar by modifying native toolbar to <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>...
View ArticleHow to Save an image to a local folder ?
currently i get the path of the the image loaded, and i want to save that image to a local folder in the project,Is it is possible ? solutions Please..!
View Articlecan I set the fonts dynamically according to the screen size ?
I create an app using xamarin.forms (PCL) and Now I want to set the font size according to screen size. means If I use the small screen simulator then font will display according to small screen and if...
View ArticleIs Random working?
Hello! I wanted to add to my C# file in Xamarin.Forms this part Random rnd = new Random(); int Number = rnd.Next(1, 3); However Visual Studio keeps telling that there is no definition Next in Random,...
View ArticleHow to implement document picker in ios?
I need to implement document picker in ios, im using visual studio 2017 and netstandard code strategy. I'm using plugins and not works, always returns error "this functionality is not implemented ...."...
View ArticleXamarin LiveReload - Just does nothing
After 3 days of beating on a brand new "Welcome to Xamarin" solution trying to get LiveReLoad to work... The best I can get is for the solution to not crash at launch. The solution runs on both...
View ArticleEndless problems...
Why there is always problem with Xamarin? Fresh project and: 1. No intelisense for XAML 2. Controls are inaccesible from code (I had to add [XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)] and...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms VS React Native
Hey, guys can you clarify for me what is better for creating a hybrid application, I am very confused about which platform is better.
View ArticleDefault value for Picker
I would like to show a default value in the text field of the Picker. So far I know the "Title" is automatically used but I would like to show one of the options, the Picker shows, e.g. the first one....
View Articleapp is terminated after launching(xamarin.ios)app
app is terminated after launching(xamarin.ios)app Launch failed. The app 'App1.iOS' could not be launched on 'iPhone'. Error: error MT1007: Failed to launch the application...
View ArticleXamarin Forms iOS 11 or higher issue
Hi, I have an Xamarin Forms app and in Android work fine and iOS until 11.0 in 11.0 or higher when I call the HttpClient object the app is crashed, some one can help me?
View ArticleiOS Keyboard is not disappearing with Prism Navigation
I am using Prism with Xamarin.Forms and am getting a weird bug. Some of my entries are used to navigate to a separate selection page. If a user would select a text entry where they must enter text, the...
View ArticleAfter updating XF to 3.0 WebView full screen modus shows white screen ONLY...
I just updated my App to XF 3.0 in Xamarin Forms (PCL) and strangely suddenly a page where there is a Full Screen WebView is loaded shows a white screen ONLY for Android Devices (iOS does work ->...
View ArticleXamarin.forms iOS navigation issue
Hi, I have a strange problem.I used latest of Xamarin.forms(v On iOS, I need to navigate from one page to another page. so I used following code: ` NavigationPage Root; public void...
View ArticleImage Will Not Aspect Fit/Fill While Inside ScrollView
I'm having a real hard time trying to figure out this problem and I'm hoping someone can help. I have a Grid with a few Rows defined. Within one of those rows is a single ScrollView. That ScrollView...
View ArticleHow to make Zxing scan barcode faster.
I use Zxing Barcode scan in my xamarin form app. But when build Android it scan too slow, it take 30s -> 60s to scan 1 barcode. public async void ScanButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs s) {...
View Articlestacklayout rounded corners border radius
hi, I have a forms app with a standard contentpage with a blue background. In the center of the page there is a stacklayout with some controls and a white background. But the corners of my stacklayour...
View ArticleTap gesture recognizer in a looped grid possible?
Im stuck with how to make every grid unique when adding tap gesture recognizer! Is there another way to do it? foreach (var item in list) { var grid = new Grid { BackgroundColor = Color.White, Padding...
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