App Intro screens
Are there any code samples available to achieve something like one in the attachment.. Slider with page markers at the bottom to know how many slides are there? Thanks and regards, Pooran
View ArticleHow to create a intro slider/ welcome slide for app using Xamarin.Forms
Hello Monkies, ! I just want to create a intro welcome slider for my app and I have built my app using Xamarin.Forms. I exactly need the following type of intro and how can i create such ? any samples...
View ArticleRequest permissions not working within PermissionsPlugin
For my Xamarin.Forms-App I'm using the PermissionsPlugin v2.0.1. If no permission is granted, I want to request the user to do so by CrossPermissions.Current.RequestPermissionsAsync(Permission.Storage)...
View ArticleCustom Entry Renderer stopping app compiling
I've added a custom entry renderer following this guide: These are my classes: MyEntry.cs in the shared...
View ArticleX.Forms Android Button OnPress Visual Bug
Hey guys, I'm really frustrated and require some help from you. I'm not really new at Xamarin, but some things won't get in my brain. Maybe I haven't understood the entire logic so far. But, my problem...
View ArticleAppium tests (iOS). Children of a XCUIElementTypeTable do not show, also the...
I am automating my tests using appium. For this, I set the AutomationId of elements, and reference these in the tests. But now I have a structure like this: <ListView x:Name = "ResultList"...
View ArticleNeed help to resolve issues in Xamarin.iOS
Hello, I'm facing some issues which are as below. 1) Error: error MT0024: Could not find required file However, I am going to run my application on iOS simulator; at that time in my visual studio in...
View ArticleAWS Cognito authentication
Hello, I am implementing an app which uses services from the aws cloud as backend. Currently i am faced to some trouble with the receive of the access token. There is a aws-net-sdk with a helper...
View ArticleSlider Pages in Xamarin forms.
Hi Friends, I have to implement the slider pages (in Xamarin Forms) like in given below link. Please share code snippet in Xamarin...
View ArticleIs it possible to use Xamarin.Maps to add map pins in Xaml?
I would like to put a map in xaml with 1 pin on it with a bound location. I initially thought that: <maps:Map x:Name="map" Grid.Row="2" HorizontalOptions="Fill" VerticalOptions="Fill"...
View Articletrying to use embedded images but can't figure out why it's not loading. AABRPc2mcvX13hHoAgdkoUgHa?dl=0 link to the dropbox project. page in question is "BundabergPage.xaml" in the CoastlineNews project folder. following...
View ArticleScheduling an action every 10 seconds
Our incident-reporting app will be used off line a lot, so in the design messages are sent to a local Sqlite database, then a task needs to check the database for messages to post when a network is...
View Articleios app is getting closed/crashes itself
Hi , I deployed my xamarin forms project on android/ ios. Its running smooth on android but the app crashes continuously on ios sometimes after just 5 sec of launching sometimes after 30 or 50 secs. I...
View ArticleAccessing user's Facebook From ListView
Hi xamarin forum This maybe a stupid question but is this possible I have a list of Contacts in my listView then when I want to select for example rob's fb link I just tapped on his FB link then I will...
View ArticleFocused input on Android looks bad in landscape mode
As you can see on the screen when I have a focus on an entry on Android, it looks bad in landscape mode. I don't know why the entry covers almost the entire screen and a new button "DONE" appears. Is...
View ArticleIs it deliberate that VS 2017 Community Edition forces AotAssemblies and...
I have a Xamarin Forms project I am building for Android. Not having Enterprise license, I manually set the mentioned properties to true, as discussed in various posts. Various UI actions involving...
View ArticleERROR WITH LATEST NUGET v2.5.0.77 "Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.GetTasksAbi"...
I just got latest stable and I can't compile anymore [myUser]\packages\xamarin.forms\\build\netstandard1.0\Xamarin.Forms.targets(55,3): error MSB4062: The...
View ArticleConnect mobile application to SQL server
Hello everyone, I am new in developing mobile applications. I am trying to start a simple project on Android/iOS/Windows phones. The application should contain a login page that the user enters...
View ArticleToolbarItems Doesn't show up
Why is this code on xaml doesn't work for me? It doesn't show up even if I have a title on the content page... <ContentPage.ToolbarItems> <ToolbarItem Text="X"/>...
View ArticleHow do you debug your apps?
At first I was debugging my code using Xamarin's Live player. Unfortunately, it works wacky, meaning it often won't go to next app's page without any reason. Besides, I don't think it can handle...
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