Displaying a Dialog Box when a button is pressed within a Custom Cell in a...
I have a Custom cell in a Master Detail View that contains a button that downloads a file. The button works great and the file downloads correctly. I now want to display a Dialog box when the button is...
View ArticleBe Aware of Breaking Xaml changes on XF 3.1
I just wanted to inform you that if you upgrade on XF 3.1 version, you may get xaml errors telling that "member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type". this is a well known C# error if...
View ArticlePrevent initial fade in animation on showing first page
Hi guys, I know there have been a lot of threads around page transition animations already, but none seem to address or solve the issue I am having around preventing an initial fade in animation on...
View ArticleHow to apply background image to Action Bar in Xamarin Forms
I am able to change the color of Action bar but not able to apply image as background. can anyone help me out in that?
View ArticleXamarin.Forms in real project - development tutorial
Hi xamarin developer! I hope you all doing well. Let me introduce first episode of my project "Xamarin.Forms on real project": Animation on splash screen - I want to create real Xmarin.Forms project...
View ArticleResource String File
Hi community! I want to create a resource file with Key-Value. I create a Resource File (.resw) in my shared project How I can call saved strings?
View ArticleXamarin Forms Error The "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task failed unexpectedly.
Hi, Suddenly I am receiving this error in my Xamarin Forms Projects. I've cleaned, closed and reopened the solution but the problem remains the same. I've updated the Xamarin Forms in my Project also....
View ArticleXamarin Forms Android: 'System.Runtime.Serialization.dll.so' not found
Hi all, I don't know when this problem started because it appears only on some devices BTW, I've changed my project to netstandard in the meantime (2.0), but the error appeared already before....
View ArticleContent Page Secondary Toolbar Items in iOS same as Android
I am using secondary toolbar items in my content page. I want the same menu items in iOS as in android. By default it is showing under navigation bar. How can I achieve this.
View ArticleHow to get last inserted row primary key in SQLite?
database.insert() method always returns 1 How to get last inserted row primary key auto incremented Id? 1)SELECT * from SQLITE_SEQUENCE ** not working 2)SELECT last_insert_rowid() from Table_Name **...
View ArticleSearchbar not working on Android 7.1
On an LG (G7, I think) phone, the Searchbar does not work. It just shows as a very thin box and you can't get it to focus and show the keyboard. Don't get this on any other platform. Changing padding...
View ArticleCustom Entry Renderer settings
I've added a custom entry renderer into my application, but I'm having a couple of issues. I have two custom entry controls, defined in xaml like this: <local:MyEntry x:Name="txtFirstName"...
View ArticleFirebase OnTokenRefresh not getting called?
I am working with xamarin mobile app. OnTokenRefresh does not get called when app is first time installed in my mobile. Also i have filled all necessary permission and everything into manifest.xml page...
View ArticleNative Data Binding to IOS Controls
Hi I have a custom page renderer where I programmatically generate controls and add them to a UIView. My question is how do i go about binding the native ListEntry(subclass of UITextField) class to a...
View ArticleIs it possible to have a Portrait and Landscape splashscreen?
Trying to have two sets of splash screens dependent on how the app launches. Is this possible?
View ArticleBad looking buttons on Android after upgrading Xamarin Forms to 3.0
After upgrading solution to Xamarin Forms 3.0 everything is fine except one thing - the layout of the buttons. Here I am posting screens to ilustrate that: Xamarin Forms 2.5 Xamarin Forms 3.0 As you...
View ArticleAcr.UserDialogs Prompt
How can I get the text the user entered from a UserDialogs Prompt? I have tried to find examples but can't. I am able to get the dialog to show with the following code: `var config = new PromptConfig()...
View ArticleFontAwesome Label: Here's how!
Here's how you'll use the new FontAwesome label (Any Graphic font will work, but FontAwesome is Awesome): var coolLabel = new FontAwesomeIcon(FontAwesomeIcon.Icon.Gear) Here's how to set it up....
View ArticleWhy is StringFormat in XAML giving me odd results?
I have n Entry bound to a property in a viewmodel that is a double. I use something like: Text = "Binding TBValue, Mode=TwoWay, StringFormat = '{0:C0}'}" but if I type 1200 in the entry only the number...
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