I've added a custom entry renderer following this guide: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/app-fundamentals/custom-renderer/entry
These are my classes:
MyEntry.cs in the shared project:
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace CrossPlatformApp
public class MyEntry : Entry
CustomRenderer.cs in .Android
using System.Text;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.Text;
using Android.Graphics;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
using CrossPlatformApp;
using CrossPlatformApp.Droid;
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MyEntry), typeof(MyEntryRenderer))]
namespace CrossPlatformApp.Droid
class MyEntryRenderer : EntryRenderer
public MyEntryRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
if (Control != null)
this.Control.InputType = InputTypes.ClassText | InputTypes.TextFlagCapSentences;
Control.Background.SetColorFilter(Android.Graphics.Color.DarkSlateBlue, PorterDuff.Mode.SrcAtop);
CustomRenderer.cs in the .iOS project
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using CrossPlatformApp;
using CrossPlatformApp.iOS;
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS;
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MyEntry), typeof(MyEntryRenderer))]
namespace CrossPlatformApp.iOS
public class MyEntryRenderer : EntryRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
if (Control != null)
CustomRenderer.cs in the .UWP project
using CrossPlatformApp.UWP;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.UWP;
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MyEntry), typeof(MyEntryRenderer))]
namespace CrossPlatformApp.UWP
public class MyEntryRenderer : EntryRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
if (Control != null)
// Control.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Cyan);
The .Android class is fine, there are no errors and I've been testing it and changing the code in it fine. However, in the .iOS and .UWP classes, I have an error on the line [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MyEntry), typeof(MyEntryRenderer))]
The error is under '(MyEntry)', it says "The type or namespace name 'MyEntry' could not be found. (Are you missing a using directive or assembly?)
Why would this not be working for iOS and UWP but be fine for Android? As far as I can remember, I didn't add any references to the .Android project, and I've therefore I've not added any to either of the other projects - but would the issue be that I am supposed to add a reference?