Confused elements property in listview, after add new items
Hello, I can not fix the following hard bug: I wrote a render for a frame with background gradient public class CustomFrame : Frame { public static readonly BindableProperty StartColorProperty =...
View ArticleDisplay All Available WiFi Network
Please Help Me... [Activity(Label = "WiFiScannerActivity", Icon = "@mipmap/icon", Theme = "@style/MainTheme", MainLauncher = true)] public class WiFiScannerActivity : AppCompatActivity { public static...
View ArticleHow to animate a polyline in a map (iOS)?
Hi! I',m developing an application in Xamarin Forms and based on the examples of Xamarin Forms i did this:
View Article.ipa file is not generating
hi all, i have a developer account and i have created all the certificates .i don't have physical mac i am using macin cloud virtual machine,so i cannot connect my IPad to machine.i have included all...
View ArticleRetrieving text from a database in the app
Sorry if this question have been asked before, I am trying to use xamarin.ios or xamarin.forms to make a simple app that retrieves text that shows on the app that I will update periodically. What is...
View ArticleSet the value for Dynamically Created Dropdowns
Hi, I am creating a set of controls on a tap over some button. It contains some editors and a drop down (combination of a label and image) each. When I click on the drop down label, it opens a popup,...
View ArticleHow to retrieve the row / column of a view which is in a Grid?
I would like to clone Grid and I had to rebuild this as MemberwiseClone method is not working properly. My last issue is on the view position to add in my new Grid. Someone have an idea? Thank you very...
View ArticleTwo different types of ListViews within a single ScrollView
I have been trying to construct two ListViews within one ScrollView for a few hours now, but I can't seem to wrap my head around it. I have already noticed that two, or multiple, ListViews are a big...
View ArticleSame listview item not getting selected after pressing back
I have a listview which on any item selected navigates to another XAML page. When I press the back button I return back to the original listview page. Now if I select the same list view item, it does...
View ArticleXamarin Live Player deployed but failing to update XAML live
I have successfully installed and deployed the Xamarin Live Player (latest version 1.5.241 / 741) on my Samsung. Also I am able to deploy an app to the Live Player and display it on the device....
View ArticleAbsolute layout "without fill, space"
Hello, is possible to position control with absolute layout without taking any space? Something like "position: absolute" in CSS. The situation is that, I need to create tooltip (label) above slider...
View ArticleWait for Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread
Hello, I have an interface IPicture which I uses on Android and iOS. I implemented with dependecy service a way to save a photo in device. Here is my code: using System; using...
View ArticleVisual Material Entry - Change border color
I am using Visual="Material" on our Entry controls. How can I change the color of the underline? We'd like to make it Red when a business condition is met on the Model.
View ArticleError when connecting to Web API
I am attempting to connect to a Web API project and having problems. I am using one of the basic controllers installed with the API project, and when I use the URL directly in a browser, it works:...
View ArticleHow to change the position or size of a view in Relative Layout at runtime in...
What I did is I have added a label to a relative layout by setting all constraint. Below is my code for that. ` relativeLayout.Children.Add(textLabel, Constraint.RelativeToView(innerBorderBox, (parent,...
View ArticleHas anyone got any insight as to how I could write a Caesar cipher in xamarin...
public void Encrypt_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtPlainText != null) { string ciphertext = Encipher(txtPlainText,); } } public void Decrypt_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if...
View ArticleIn Xamarin profiler only Live Object option not check able
I am using Xamarin profiler with visual enterprise trail version in windows. In that able check the Only Live object check box
View ArticleHow to have Dynamic Launch Screen?
Hi, How can I have Dynamic Launch Screen in my Xamarin Forms application (both iOS and Android) based on the date? for example to show a Mothers day image on Mothers day and a National Day image on...
View ArticleHow to hide scrollbar in listview
iam trying to hide the scrollbar in list view,i tried following code ,but i am getting error that 'listview does not contain definition for vertical scrollbar enabled ', [assembly:...
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