I have successfully installed and deployed the Xamarin Live Player (latest version 1.5.241 / 741) on my Samsung. Also I am able to deploy an app to the Live Player and display it on the device. However, when changing some of the XAML content (ie. text) and saving the changed file, the player doesn't dynamically reflect those changes hereafter. Initially though, this did work a few times but later on stopped working.
After uninstalling and reinstalling the Live Player on the device the changes were shown live once again but subsequently the issue has now occured a second time. The XAML content just isn't updating live when saving the file. The only option to achieve the updating is to stop the app from running live in Visual Studio and then restarting it.
This of course is making the whole point of having the Xamarin Live Player in the first place null and void since it does not do what it's supposed to do, which is reflecting the changes made to the code live. Since the connection and pairing works (most of the time) on the Wifis I access, this apparently isn't the issue (correct me if so).
So my question here is, how can the live updating be achieved after saving files without losing this functionality after having used the player a few times and why does it happen at all?
If someone has some experience or explanation for this behavior despite the successful pairing and initial deployment to the device, I would be happy to hear about those experiences.
Thanks in advance.