binding .jar class inner class
Hi guys, i hv tried add a .jar in my project but i missed error: Gravidade Código Descrição Projeto Arquivo Linha Estado de Supressão Erro error: package com.pax.dal.IScanner does not exist...
View ArticleThe "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task failed unexpectedly. '...\R.txt'...
Hi When I build my Xamarin Forms solution I get the following error: The "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task failed unexpectedly. error MSB4018: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the...
View Articlebinding .jar class inner class
Hi guys, i hv tried add a .jar in my project but i missed error: Gravidade Código Descrição Projeto Arquivo Linha Estado de Supressão Erro error: package com.pax.dal.IScanner does not exist...
View ArticleI'm struggling to get databinding to work
So I am pulling from a table called "Person" in a SQLite database. This table has several properties including the PersonId and PersonName. There are many "people" in this table. I am trying to pull a...
View ArticleThe "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task failed unexpectedly. '...\R.txt'...
Hi When I build my Xamarin Forms solution I get the following error: The "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task failed unexpectedly. error MSB4018: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the...
View ArticleThe "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task failed unexpectedly. File "...\R.txt"...
Hi Xamarin Forms build fails here with the following error: The "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file...
View ArticleHow do you toggle between two views?
We have a ListView with two possible item layouts, how do we toggle between them? We tried using the IsVisible property, but when the 2nd StackLayout is invisible, it still allocates its height onto...
View ArticleSystem.ObjectDisposedException Cannot access a disposed object....
Hi Xamarian, Hope you all are doing good. Please help me out . I'm facing one issue with grouped Listview . i.e. System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name:...
View ArticleActivityIndicator issue xamarin form android application
I have a login page, i want to show the ActivityIndicator while the page is busy executing an async method. the ActivityIndicator is showing based on the IsLoading property on the ViewModel class....
View ArticleActivityIndicator issue xamarin form android application
I have a login page, i want to show the ActivityIndicator while the page is busy executing an async method. the ActivityIndicator is showing based on the IsLoading property on the ViewModel class....
View ArticleBinding data to a List view by consuming a WebAPI
I'm a complete newbie to Xamarin, so please bare with me. I am trying to follow the "async all the way". The following code works, be feel like I'm am doing it wrong. protected override void...
View ArticleXamarin Live Player Keep crashing when adding an image to Button inside a...
Hi, Please help me to solve my problem. Xamarin live player keeps crashing when i add an image to button inside a master detail page expandable list view. Here is the xaml code And the xaml.cs public...
View ArticleOnPlatform FontFamily breaking Xamarin Previewer Visual Studio
Hello, I am very new to Xamarin to apologies if this is something obvious. I have a label with the following code - <Label Text="Label Text" FontSize="Medium" TextColor="White" Margin="10,0,0,0">...
View ArticleBinding data to a List view by consuming a WebAPI
I'm a complete newbie to Xamarin, so please bare with me. I am trying to follow the "async all the way". The following code works, be feel like I'm am doing it wrong. protected override void...
View ArticleVLC/ExoPlayer - Stream videos
Hi all, I'm trying to stream a video, stored in Azure Media service. I've managed to make it work on UWP and on iOS, But I'm stuck with Android for several days already. I've used the...
View ArticleHow can I change a WebView user-agent?
Hi everybody! I'm trying to make an hybrid app for my current webapp in Xamarin.Forms Portable App, I'm creating a ContentPage Class with a custom WebView object like this: using System; using...
View ArticleXamarin and SignalR cannot connect
Hello Everyone, I'm having a strange issue with Xamarin, I am trying to connect it to my SignalR Server hosted in Azure however when I call StartAsync() on my connection it seems to just hang - I don't...
View ArticleCannot access a disposed object. Object name:...
Can any one please help me how to fix this issue. I'm using Xamarin.Forms( The problem on this active page is a ListView. It's bound to a property on a ViewModel. The ListView:...
View ArticleConfused elements property in listview, after add new items
Hello, I can not fix the following hard bug: I wrote a render for a frame with background gradient public class CustomFrame : Frame { public static readonly BindableProperty StartColorProperty =...
View ArticleXamarin form : Cannot access a disposed object :...
I have a list view contains image (FF Image Loading) and some labels. When i run my app it crashes meanwhile i've been using caching strategy : "RecycleElement" on list to prevent crash but it throws...
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