Set method not execute BindableProperty
Hi! I create a Bindable property to pass a data array: public static readonly BindableProperty ItemsProperty = BindableProperty.Create( "Items", typeof(IList<JobObject>), typeof(JobStack));...
View ArticleHow to speed up eCommerce App?
Hello, Please someone help me to speedup the eCommerce app that are accessing data from online server with php and MySql.
View ArticleBinding slider and stepper in listview
Trying to get binding to work on a stepper and slider in listview. The values change as expected in the UI, but the underlying values in the list do not get updated. Clicking the Review button steps...
View ArticleCode behind multi context Binding
Hi ! I need an equivalent in the code file: <templates:JobObjectTemplate BindingContext="{Binding JobObject}" ItemHeight="{Binding Source={x:Reference This}, Path=ItemHeight}"/> This my method,...
View ArticleiOS Master Detail Page top margin issue.
How to remove system top padding on Master Detail Page.
View ArticleSetUseSafeArea
Hi, I'm trying to use the new safe area feature added to Xamarin Forms. Here's the top padding that I'm seeing added to the pages: iPhone X - 44 iOS 11 (but not iPhone X) - 20 iPhones running anything...
View Articlememory usage of x:Static vs StaticResource
what is the memory usage of x:static values? are they hold in the memory all the time if class is not static bu only member like below public partial class Styles { public static int ItemSize = 15; } I...
View ArticleThe type or namespace name 'Xamarin' could not be found
i've Created a xamarin Cross-platform solution (Blank) and it runs normally on android emulator whenever i try to run it on xamarin Live Player i get the below errors 1- AppDelegate.cs(1,1): error: The...
View ArticleI cannot install MailKit nuget package to my Xamarin.Forms Project.
Below error is shown when i am trying to install Mailkit nuget package. Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Could not install package 'MailKit 2.0.1'. You are trying to...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms solution - just created from scratch - cannot build android...
Hello, because I have a lot of trouble with keychain (ios), android project (see another post) etc... I decided to restart from scratch, create a new solution, and add step by step the different class...
View ArticleContext is obsolete as of version 2.5
I updated my project to Xamarin forms 2.5. When I use Xamarin.Forms I get warning: Context is obsolete as of version 2.5. Please use a local context instead How use local context instead?
View ArticleTabbedPage cannot set title and cannot get rid of empty bar above tabs?
Xamarin.Forms (Android) I've scoured all the forums and there seems to be a bug/issue with TabbedPages and the Title Bar? I've got a simple MainPage.xaml below (based on standard Xamarin Forms...
View ArticleXamarin Forms + MvvmCross: how to clear the iOS and Android Navigation Stack?...
Hello, On our iOS and Android apps we would like to clear the Navigation Stack in certain cases. Searching around the Intertubes, I found a few articles:...
View ArticleHow to manage height of CarouselView(image) inside Relative View in...
I have following 2 XAML code. 1 is without CarouselView: in this view, I am getting enough height of the image control inside Relative Layout. 2- Without CarouselView: in this view, I have added image...
View ArticleSimple PopupMenu Plugin for UWP/WinRT/Android/iOS
Hey all, As a few of you sent me emails regarding this, I added some basic documentation for my popupmenu plugin. Essentially, you pass it a view and an itemssource, and it will display a flyover next...
View ArticleUnable to deploy to iOS device: Failed to resolve...
As for now, my Xamarin Form App solution: |___MyDomain.Mobile | |___MyDomain.Mobile.Android | |___MyDomain.Mobile.iOS Using VS 2015, I'm able to build and deploy to simulator (6, 6s, 7, 7s, ipad,...
View ArticleFFImageLoading not showing images from LocalStorage in iOS
can I re-open this issue? I am using version 2.3.4 and I am not able to load the image saved in LocalStorage in iOS. The image Is saved in LocalStorage using PCLStorage and the local path looked like...
View ArticleHow to free OCR in Xamarin Forms include UWP Project?
Hi everybody! I gave search on Google and found some sample of Tesseract, OpenCV,.. But I can not find any sample include UWP Project. So, How to free OCR in Xamarin Forms include UWP Project? (Not...
View ArticleIs it possible to add a banner advertising to my xamarin.forms app?
I could not find a solution for banner implementation. The api from admob does not work for windows phone or uwp. Also i can not add a banner via admob or anything with the pcl project. The banner will...
View ArticleHow to connect a wifi gateway on the basis of its SSID/IP?
I am creating an app in which I have to do all the things happen by a WifI Gateway. So I want to create a connection to that wireless gateway. Please help.
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