Xamarin.Forms (Android) I've scoured all the forums and there seems to be a bug/issue with TabbedPages and the Title Bar? I've got a simple MainPage.xaml below (based on standard Xamarin Forms TabbedPage example xamarin-forms-samples/TabbedPage). I can't seem to make "MyTitle" appear in the bar above the Tabs and, as a desperate alternative, I can't seem to kill the bar. It is always there at the top of the page wasting about 1cm of space, and always empty. Any tips?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<TabbedPage xmlns="...://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
BarTextColor="Red" Title="MyTitle!!!!!">
<NavigationPage HasNavigationBar="False" Title="History">
<NavigationPage HasNavigationBar="False" Title="Settings">
<views:SettingsPage />
<NavigationPage HasNavigationBar="False" Title="About">
<views:AboutPage />