Expand CircleImage with Command
I would like to extend CircleImage (by James Montemagno) with a Command. I know I could use the TapGestureRecognizer, but then the CircleImage will not be disabled if the Command.CanExecute = False....
View ArticleBuilding Release Version Fails (The "LinkAssemblies" task failed unexpectedly.)
After adding XLabs' NuGet packages (Core, Platform, Serialization, IoC, Forms, and Forms.Charting), I have been getting the following error when I try to build a release version: C:\Program Files...
View Articlelocal:???? in contentview tap gesture not open new Page
In ListIvew DataTemplate { <DataTemplate> <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" BackgroundColor="White"> <local:NewListView/> </StackLayout> </DataTemplate> } In...
View ArticleUWP - Sotware Navigation Bar not taken into consideration when rendering pages
I notice the problem that can be reproduced in UWP. I'm using the following for testing: Device: Microsoft RM-1104 OS: Win Phone 10.0.14393.693. This device does not have hardware navigation button...
View ArticleViewCell.ContextActions is not working for Xamarin.iOS.
Hello Guys, I am using ListView control for listing some records. Also I have used "ViewCell.ContextActions" for delete list item. This is working fine on Android, but for iOS it is not working....
View ArticleI want to change context menu item/option title change.
I have multiple options like "Create", "Delete", etc The "More" option creates by default. I want to change the title of "More" button. I am searching from last 20 days. if any one know ho to do this...
View ArticleHow to change context menu items/option title change on ios.
I have multiple options on context menu in list items. like delete,create,approve,send,edit and more. I want to change "More" button title. When i swipe on listview on ios "More" button show. Culture...
View ArticleLast Cell of ListView Cutoff?
I have this Xaml definition here and no matter how much padding to the bottom I put, the ListView doesn't move up. Half of the last cell in the ListView is cutoff, and I am not sure why. This is what I...
View ArticleTwoWay binding works only as OneWay in custom control
I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding how bindings work, but I got this problem: I have a custom control that extends ViewCell, which has this bindable property: private void TapGestureOnTapped(object...
View ArticleWebView remains blank only on app release
I've made a very simple and basic Android application using Xamarin Forms using Visual Studio 2017. Currently, the app is only a container of a WebView used to display a mobile web page. The app is...
View ArticleHow to pass data back to previous page in Xamarin Forms?
How do I pass selected Item of list view present in one page to the previous page in Xamarin. Forms? Please Help
View ArticleHow do you attach a control event to a view model?
Is it possible to attach a control's events in XAML to a command in a similar manor to Microsoft's XAML, or is the only method to go via the pages code behind?
View ArticleRetrieve DataGrid's ROW object when clicking on embedded button
Hi, I have a DataGrid containing a Button as follows: <dg:DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" SelectionEnabled="True" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}"> <dg:DataGrid.Columns>...
View ArticleContentView bindable Command
Hi ! In my ContentView, there is a ListView that is assigned the ItemTapped command using the EventToCommandBehavior: <ListView x:Name="ItemsView" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource...
View ArticleViewModel for ContentView. Is it right?
Is it worth doing ViewModel for ContentView? After all, all logic should be placed in PageViewModel, and ContentView contains binding properties. It is right?
View ArticleCustom button style - how?
Hi, I'm new to Xamarin.Forms but I've worked with native Android/iOS development before. I'm wondering how I would create a custom button style. I want to achieve a button that is transparent except...
View ArticleType is not derived from a java type (StartActivity)
Hi friends. I just have updated to Xamarin Forms 2, but when in my SplashActivity, the method StartActivity() is executed I am getting this error: Here is the code of my SplashActivity:...
View ArticleFontAwesome Label: Here's how!
Here's how you'll use the new FontAwesome label (Any Graphic font will work, but FontAwesome is Awesome): var coolLabel = new FontAwesomeIcon(FontAwesomeIcon.Icon.Gear) Here's how to set it up....
View ArticleVS 2015 Errors on sample projects
Hi there, Hope someone can help me. I'm checking out the xamarin-form samples on github. On most projects i get the following 2 errors : Error Build action 'EmbeddedResource' is not supported by one or...
View ArticleDisabled button style
I'm using MVVM approach described here. To control a button behaviour I use ICommand binding with CanExecute flag. Everything works. But how can I control disabled button style (background color and...
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