I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding how bindings work, but I got this problem:
I have a custom control that extends ViewCell, which has this bindable property:
private void TapGestureOnTapped(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
if (IsEnabled)
FavoriteChecked = !FavoriteChecked;
public static readonly BindableProperty FavoriteCheckedProperty
= BindableProperty.Create(
defaultValue: default(bool),
defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
propertyChanging: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
var ctrl = (StudyCell)bindable;
ctrl.FavoriteChecked = (bool)newValue;
public bool FavoriteChecked
return (bool)GetValue(FavoriteCheckedProperty);
SetValue(FavoriteCheckedProperty, value);
In my page xaml I bind it simply by
<core:StudyCell FavoriteChecked="{Binding Favorite, Mode=TwoWay}" />
And it works as OneWay binding - it correctly reads binded variable and represents it accordingly, however, when clicked it doesn't change the source. TapGestureOnTapped above gets called, which updates the property and visually changes the control correctly, however I don't get breakpoints hit inside OnPropertyChanged of my viewmodel where source variable is.