A couple weeks ago we noticed a typo in Xamarin's documentation that got fixed, and we wanted to be nice and make sure other people who fell for the typo also get their stuff cleaned up. The updated documentation (without the typo) is here: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/user-interface/listview/customizing-cell-appearance/#Enabling_Row_Selection_on_Android
The problem was this:
Where they had said [assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof (Button), typeof (ListButtonRenderer))]
They meant to say [assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof (ListButton), typeof (ListButtonRenderer))]
As I said, the typo in the documentation is now fixed, but you might want to check your code and see if you still have the typo. The effect of the typo is that the custom renderer gets applied to ALL buttons on Android, not just ListButtons.