I am new to xamarin and I am using PdfSharp.Xamarin.Forms nuget to create a PDF in Xamarin forms for both Android and iOS. Problem is I cannot render ListView. They have mentioned about it, and need to write a renderer for it. But I have no idea how to create and bind it.
This is how I did it.
<Grid x:Name="mainGrid">
<StackLayout Padding="4" Orientation="Vertical">
<!--<Image HeightRequest="80" Source="logojpeg.jpg" Margin="0,0,0,5"/>-->
<Label FontSize="18" TextColor="Black" FontFamily="{StaticResource timesNewRomanBold}" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" Text="Monthly Motor Renew List of Jayasekara (900585) as at January, 2020"/>
<Label FontSize="18" TextColor="Black" FontFamily="{StaticResource timesNewRomanBold}" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" Text="Report generated on 27 December, 2019" Margin="0,0,0,5"/>
<ListView x:Name="renewListView"
pdf:PdfRendererAttributes.ListRendererDelegate="{StaticResource PDFSampleListRendererDelegate}"
<ViewCell IsEnabled="false">
Code Behind
public partial class MotorRenewalFinalPrint : ContentPage
public MotorRenewalFinalPrint()
public MotorRenewalFinalPrint (List<MotorRenewalPrintData> newdd)
InitializeComponent ();
Title = "Save as PDF";
renewListView.ItemsSource = newdd;
private void pdf_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var pdf = PDFManager.GeneratePDFFromView(mainGrid);
var fileManager = DependencyService.Get<IFileIO>();
string filePath = Path.Combine(fileManager.GetMyDocumentsPath(), "formpdf.pdf");
DependencyService.Get<IPdfSave>().Save(pdf, filePath);
PDFSampleListRendererDelegate renderer
public class PDFSampleListRendererDelegate : PdfListViewRendererDelegate
public override void DrawCell(ListView listView, int section, int row, XGraphics page, XRect bounds, double scaleFactor)
base.DrawCell(listView, section, row, page, bounds, scaleFactor);
public override void DrawFooter(ListView listView, int section, XGraphics page, XRect bounds, double scaleFactor)
base.DrawFooter(listView, section, page, bounds, scaleFactor);
public override double GetFooterHeight(ListView listView, int section)
return base.GetFooterHeight(listView, section);