Is there planned support for WPF in the XAML Previewer tool?
Title pretty much sums it up - just wondering if there's an ETA (assuming it's even planned) for WPF support in the Xamarin.Forms Previewer tool in Visual Studio. Thanks!
View ArticleHow to use zxing mobile qr code reader and flashlight at same time ?
I tried .toggleTorch(); but that doesn't do anything. if (scanPage.HasTorch) { scanPage.ToggleTorch(); }
View ArticleHow can I add root protection to the iOS version of my app?
I've implemented root protection on the Android version using Dotfuscator as per this MS article. But it has no mention of iOS, and setting up the same check doesn't work either. Can anyone recommend...
View ArticleChange PackageName for Different Builds
I'm using Visual Studio for Mac and I have a Xamarin Forms 3.0 app. I'm trying to change the package name based on the build configuration for Android. Is it possible to do this without having a...
View ArticleSecure socket in Forms
Hello everyone, I'm developing a Forms application that needs to connect to a java ssl socket using an user certificate. I have defined a DependacyService to split Android and iOS implementation. I...
View ArticleFirebase Notification Message doesn't work after closing app
I'm trying to test pushing notification from Firebase Cloud Messaging this working fine in debug mode but in Release mode or closing app doesn't work I Enabled Proguard and multidex but unforunatly it...
View ArticlePublish IOS App From visual Studio Directly or Indirectly
I have developed an IOS App using Xamarin.Form From Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10 and a mac book is connected in same network. I have also purchase an Apple Developer Program Account. my ios app is...
View ArticleHTTPClient Issue with System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a...
I am using HTTPClient to post some data to a web service. It works fine until, I suspect that the payload is too large and I start getting this unhandled exception. Even so,it is only around 5mb or so....
View ArticleWhy Button.Image don't show the Image
I has the folloing code: In xaml <Button x:Name="hamburgerButton" HeightRequest="50" WidthRequest="50" HorizontalOptions="Start" FontSize="20" BackgroundColor="#1aa1d6"...
View ArticleWhy i don't see the data in listView?
Hi, i create a listview as you can see: <ListView.ItemTemplate> </TextCell> </DataTemplate> </ListView.ItemTemplate> </ListView> AND insert data in it as below:...
View ArticleHow can I create a common library?
Hi guys, my question is easy, I think. In my solution, I used to create different projects, for example, one for data logic (layer), business logic, etc. Now, I have to create a library not only for my...
View ArticleFlurl Http FlurRequest reference not resolving
I am building a Xamarin.Forms application (.NETStandard 2.0) and one of my projects is using Flurl.Http. My Android and UWP head projects are building fine but my IOS project is failing to build with...
View ArticleSpam postings
@Jingleton: There are many spam postings in the .forms forum right now... Maybe you can remove them...?
View ArticleAndroid Video Player using Xamarin.Forms
I am trying to get a video player working in my Xamarin.Forms app on Android. I have implemented the iOS version using a ScrollViewRenderer where I add the MPMoviePlayerController (code at bottom, file...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms 360 Degree Image/ VR support?
Anytime in near future is Xamarin attempting to upgrade their Google VR Xamarin Component? The current component is using Google VR SDK .80.0 and the latest google VR SDK is at 1.150.0. Can any one...
View ArticleApplication.Current.Properties are persisting after application uninstall
I use the Application.Current.Properties for persistent storage regularly. I've never had a problem with them. Now all of a sudden, in my UWP app, the properties are persisting despite the application...
View ArticleCreate video from images
I need to create a video from a series of images. Is anyone aware of a package or process to do this from a cross-platform app (UWP/iOS/Android)? Currently I just export the images as png files, then...
View ArticleWhat plugin/control can I use like dropdown in Xamarin.Forms
Hi I need use one control similar to dropdownlist in Xamarin.Forms. I need type some text and fill the dropdown with my own data Thx
View ArticleBeginner Guides for Xamarin.Forms (2017)?
Hello all, I was trying to get a better grasp of Xamarin + Xamarin.Forms and I was wondering if any of you had suggestions on up-to-date & comprehensive guides that might such things from the...
View ArticleFacebook sdk to share custom object
I'm trying to implement the share on facebook through the sdk facebook in a Xamarin.forms PCL project. I managed to implement smoothly the share of Android , but I have problems for iOS . In...
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