CrossDeviceInfo.Current not working for me in UWP
Hi, I have been using CrossDeviceInfo.Current.Platform and CrossDeviceInfo.Current.Idiom successfully with Droid and iOS. Now I have added an UWP project and they are throwing an exception. While...
View ArticleButton with activity indicator
Hi developers, so, here is new episode about button with activity indicator
View ArticleCan't add a Web Service
Hello Xamarin Developers, I wanted to ask if any of you have managed to get your application connected to a Web Service asmx. I get always an TargetInvocation error and i have searched many times but i...
View ArticleGet accesstoken with own sever oauth
I don't find an example of connection implementation on server oauth2 unlike facebook,google,.. I tried Xamarin.Auth but Auth2Authenticator doesn't support the password grant_type. Any idea ?
View ArticleCannot create xmlns for Xamarin.Forms project namespace
I'm encountering the following compilation error whenever I try to create a XAML namespace for my current project Error: Failed to resolve assembly: 'TodoQ.dll, Version=, Culture=neutral,...
View ArticleHow to convert Xamarin.Forms XAML page to PDF file?
In Xamarin.Forms, I want to convert my xaml page UI (sometimes my page is scrollable when having more content) into the PDF. I have tried the PDFSharp open source. But it works only on UWP and having...
View ArticleWhat does this error stack trace indicate?
My company's Xamarin forms app is giving us a lot of HockeyApp reports about a crash in IOS that we cannot locally replicate. The managed trace is: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file...
View ArticleHow do i solve this issue: Missin directive using...
I have this: [Activity(Label = "DatePickerService", Icon = "@drawable/calen", Theme = "@style/MainTheme", MainLauncher = true, ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize |...
View ArticleIcon don't work in BottomTabbedPage in Xamarin Forms 3.1 pre4
My icons worked when I had the tabbed page in the top , now I update them and a put them in the bottom and icon does't show ?
View ArticleHow to close Application when click on a TabbedPage ?
Hello guys , I am new to Xamarin, I am created a TabbedPage with 5 local pages, the last one is Exit . I want the application to close when the user press that page
View ArticleBehaviors in ControlTemplates
I have a ControlTemplate defined in App.xaml for pages with ListViews like so: <ControlTemplate x:Key="BaseModelListPageTemplate"> <StackLayout> <Label Text="{TemplateBinding...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms CardsView nuget package
Hi all) I've released new package for Xamarin.Forms (Something like Tinder's CardsView) Maybe, someone will be interested in it -- nuget...
View ArticleNewtonsoft.Json SerializeObject and DeserializeObject returning null
I am trying to use Newtonsoft.Json to serialize an object for http post request and after that to deserialize the response into a list of objects. The Newtonsoft.Json SerializeObject and...
View ArticleDisplay a throbber until the page has been loaded
How can I display a throbber on the page until it has been loaded? Is there any simple solution to do that or maybe do you know any tutorials or sample code repositories when this is showed or explained?
View ArticleHow come class is not "released" and GC'ed ?
Hi Could someone please make it clear for me, how come the "ticket" variable keeps adding up, everytime the button is clicked ? I though the garbage collector should remove it automatically ? Even when...
View ArticleXamarin Forms - Creating PDF options (free)
I was wondering what the best approach would be to creating a PDF in my Xamarin project without having to pay for any plugins, if it is at all possible. I've seen paid for plugins such as apitron,...
View ArticleError when compile a binding jar
My project is make in xamarin forms but the problem is when have to integrated with SDK nativo (android & iOS)(Why is very dificult use a SDK with Xamarin Forms?). I try the project binding jar, i...
View ArticleDetect moment when listView becomes scrollable
I need to programmatically detect the moment when the listView becomes scrollable, that means when it contains too many elements and a user can scroll it. Is there a way to achieve that, because I was...
View ArticleApplication.Resources StaticResource not found for key
Hi, I am trying to define a Style for a custom control I have created in the Application.Resources section of my App.xaml.cs file. However the page that references this file raises an exception...
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