How to tell when the last row of a dxGrid:GridControl becomes visible?
With a GridControl, how can I trigger an event when the last row of the list becomes visible? I'm using a GridControl to display a list of data and check boxes, and I want to trigger an event when the...
View ArticleIntroduce TEditor(a HTML rich text editor in Xamarin.Forms)
Hi All, We create a Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Xamarin.Forms. It's easy to use, powerful, and open-source Hope everyone can enjoy it. Thanks,
View ArticleAnimation when changing MainPage of the application
I am using a MasterDetail template and I also have a login page. In my app when I am logged out I have set: MainPage = new LoginPage(); When I will successfully log in I am just changing MainPage to...
View ArticleNavigation only works in Debug and Release mode?
Hi All, i have discovered a very strange problem or behavior of xamarin.forms for me. The problem is navigation only works in debug or release mode, as soon as I create an APK (archive) navigation...
View ArticleList view consuming lots of memory on scrolling using xamarin forms for UWP.
We are using Xamarin forms version 2.5.1, In our app, we are using list view for displaying tabular data for that I am using view cells inside data template. My view cell consists of grid layout that...
View ArticleStyle FontSize OnPlatform in Xaml
Hi everybody, i'm looking for a way to change the fontsize of all my labels with a style defined in App.xaml (XF 1.3). But i don't find any way to make it works. Note : i want to make it with xaml in...
View ArticleIs there a way to find a child element of a certain type like...
This is my Custom page's XAML > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> > <customcontrols:RC_Page xmlns="" >...
View ArticleSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an...
im using App Center to collect insights about the app. im not using MainPage as my entry page. In recieving this error PageUtilities.GetCurrentPage (Xamarin.Forms.Page mainPage)...
View ArticleCustom renderer not appearing in listview datatemplate...anyone know why?
I wrote a custom renderer to handle gestures (long press in particular). Debugging the code, the custom renderer is not hitting the breakpoints when used inside a datatemplate/viewcell (as shown in the...
View ArticleExtremely simple image upload keeps timing out
Hello, I've spent out try to figure out why my image upload keeps timing out. Everything has worked before but i seem to be struggling on something trival. here is my post to my web api byte[]...
View Articleneed help, Xamarin PCL uploading Images
Hey Everyone, just a weird but pretty annoying problem. I am going to upload images to Web server using Httpclient. If I am using "" as BaseAddress, which is on my local network...
View ArticleXcode 9.4.1 seems to break Styles on iOS
I've upgraded from Xcode 9.2 to Xcode 9.4.1, and am finding that Styles defined in my App.xaml no longer work. There is a workaround, which is to create an OnPlatform resource for each setter. However,...
View ArticleHow to place a image in the half of a frame using Xamarin forms
Hi, I want to place a image in the half of a frame in my app , i am using xamarin forms to do this ,How can I do this Please Help me My Xaml <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand"...
View ArticleSet the Row height to Auto for RowDefinitionCollection in Xamarin
There are 50 rows in my Grid Layout so to set the row height of each row I have to add <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> 50 times so is there any way to reduce the redundancy. I have tried to use...
View ArticleImage gone after GestureRecognizer tap
Hello, so I'm working on an an app that should basically display a picture after you tap it. Like a photo viewing app. The problem I have is that when I press one of the images in a grid, the app does...
View ArticleTabbed Page - Is it possible to Center the Texts/Icons?
Good Day everyone, I really want to center the icons/texts of the items in tabbed page, especially if the screen is in landscape view. Is this possible?
View ArticleAnyone help me to resolve the sudden crash on my application?
Does anyone help me to resolve the sudden crash on my application?
View ArticleXamarin.Forms WebView while scrolling freezes content (CSS, HTML) progress
Hi guys, it's me again. I've built a Xamarin.Forms application which contains a full width/height WebView inside. Now, when I start scrolling on that WebView, it freezes my HTML page in the WebView....
View ArticleHow to install android ndk for visual studio 2015 ?
I try installed visual studio 2015 for windows 7, when running demo xamarin was reported "No Android NDK found". I go to "Tools> Options> Xamarin> Android Settings" in this tab I see Android...
View ArticleTapGesture gives error!!
<Image Source="Corporational.png" HorizontalOptions="Center"> <Image.GestureRecognizers> <TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="CorporateRecognizer_Tapped">...
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