Adjust Width of Master on MasterDetailPage
I am using the MasterDetailPage for the NavigationDrawer on Android. Implementing the functionality has gone perfectly, however the width is too large and i would like to adjust it. I have tried to set...
View ArticleGenerics question/issues
Hi there. I am working on an abstract datamanager class that will take any class we throw at it and do simple crud interface with it. I am having an issue with some generics in the save call and was...
View Articlesystem.argumentexception: an item with the same key has already been added
I know this is avery general error, but I suddenly cannot debug my xamarin forms application anymore on my iOS device: system.argumentexception: an item with the same key has already been added any...
View ArticleDetect movement at the scrolview
hello good afternoon , I am using scrollview and would detect scrolling him, knowing when it comes to the finial , anyone have any idea how to do
View ArticleFontAwesome Label: Here's how!
Here's how you'll use the new FontAwesome label (Any Graphic font will work, but FontAwesome is Awesome): var coolLabel = new FontAwesomeIcon(FontAwesomeIcon.Icon.Gear) Here's how to set it up....
View ArticleThe target "SignAndroidPackage" does not exist in the project.
I am new in xamarin forms. while updating nuget package i got an error related to system.Runtime . I reference the system.Runtime.dll from the .net framework 4 then project build successfully. When i...
View ArticleHow to add a Label to a Relative layout and center it horizontally
Hi all, I'm trying to horizontally center a label in a Relative Layout. My intuitive way of doing it would be to add the label to the layout with an X constraint equal to the parent's width minus the...
View ArticleList View is not occupying entire space in android
ListView is not occupying the entire space eventhough the property "Vertical Options" set to the value 'FillAndExpand'. It leaves space in the bottom of the page and the remaining rows are getting...
View ArticleXamarin Forms, just a piece of crap?
Trying for weeks to get Xamarin.Forms app to go fullscreen or immersive mode on Android without success. Is somebody really using this thing in real world? It seems to be just a waste of time. Paul.
View ArticleAndroid: Full Screen Support for Modal Navigation Page
Hello All, I am new to the Xamarin and currently having a little problem with a navigation page. The application is using Master-Page based navigation. On one of the pages, I wish to display a modal...
View ArticleHorizontal stacklayout with label bug on windows phone
Good evening. Using markup very similar to that in the xamarin forms tutorial I am unable to get the behaviour I want on windows phone.. I guess this is a bug because the iphone does behave as...
View ArticleI want to achieve something like the attached screenshot?
I want to achieve this kind of functionality via xamarin.Forms. Is there any way I can achieve this also on tap of circle that page should get displayed ?
View ArticleLatitude & Longitude for Current Location
Is this possible yet in the Xamarin.Forms? Not able to find a good sample. I see that there's a Forms.Maps package but don't see a good example to set the map to the users current location or get the...
View ArticleiOS MPMoviePlayerViewController goes blank after a few seconds
I'm having a weird issue with MPMoviePlayerViewController. public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); var f = new...
View ArticleThread Null Exception, Help
Hi Guys, I have a problem with a thread, it works, but when this discussion is in processing and the user click in menu bar of MasterDetailView and try open other Page this thread generate an...
View ArticleForms.Map - Pins not appear on the device only in the simulator (IOS)
My map-based application works perfectly in the simulator, however when I executalo the IOS device (Debug or Release) the pins simply do not appear. I tried to reduce the amount to 10 and yet to no...
View ArticleFFImageLoading does not display images properly
I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong here, but can you shed some light? @FabienMolinet @DanielL public App() { var contentPage = new ContentPage { Content = new ListView { ItemsSource = // Set...
View Articlehow to hide the scrollbar?
How can I hide the horizontal scrollbar of a ScrollView? I have created custom renderers for Android and iOS. However in my Android ScrollViewRenderer when I implement OnElementChanged and set the...
View ArticleDon't find activity
Hi. I don't know if this is the right forum or I should move the thread in "Android" forum. This is the situation: I have a PCL "Xamarin Forms" Project with a "Android" Project. The "Android" project...
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