Xamarin Forms: WhenActivated not being fired reactiveui for viewmodel
I can't understand why the WhenActivated func is not fired for a Xamarin Forms application. The application has a LoginViewModel and a LoginView LoginView: inherits from ContentPageBase which itself...
View ArticleHow to user AWS Cognito to Sign-in and Sign-up users
Does anyone know how to use AWS Cognito handle user registration and sign in for a mobile app? I have been trying to find examples/tutorials online for a while now but can't seem to find anything that...
View ArticleXamairn.forms previewer not working with master detail page !
I'm trying to create master detail page in xamarin.forms. But the previewer just does not work ! I'm not able to design ui easily. Any solutions ??
View ArticleWhen do renderers get disposed?
When a page is pushed on the stack, does the renderer of the previous page get disposed? What about the renderers of the elements on that previous page? Is there any documentation out there that...
View ArticleSet ActionSheet Text and Value from dataSource
Hi, I want to use the ActionSheet to display items from dataSource and set a display text and value to it. For example, from my database I am returning country_code and country_name so the country_name...
View ArticleSame control UI in all platform using Xamarin.Forms
Is there any package available for xamarin forms control that UI will be same in all platform? and third-party package available for control.
View ArticleGet Value from Jagged Array to View Model
How could i get value "KLM" as showed in pic below from other class to my View Model Class
View ArticleWhat can I do to get my project to build? InitializeComponent on Mac
I have tried looking for mistakes. I also tried building on a windows machine but that machine is so slow I can't actually use it, however the solution did say it built without error.
View ArticleAndroid: Switch is cut off in off state
I don't know why, the much bigger iOS Switch has no problem (and there is enough space for the switch) but some of my Android Switches are missing a bit in off state. As you can see in the attached...
View ArticleError at Android.Widget.ImageView.SetImageDrawable
Hello i have the following error message throught Device Log : at <0xffffffff> at (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.NativeMethods.java_interop_jnienv_call_nonvirtual_void_method_a...
View ArticleUncaught Exception when using plugin.media
I get an Uncaught Exception Cannot throw 'Plugin.Media.Abstractions.MediaPermissionExceptions' on thread... (im using live player can see the whole massage) I followed a video I have also given...
View ArticleSave images and Formatted Text
Hi Forum is it possible to save formatted text and images in xamarin
View ArticleDoes Xamarin apps developed using Xamarin.forms support Blackberry devices...
Does Xamarin apps developed using Xamarin.forms support Blackberry devices running on Android OS?
View ArticlePan Gesture on in Xamarin Forms
Hi all, I see that there is no Command binding to the Pan gesture class. I would like to keep the cs file of my views clean, I normally bind commands (that are implemented in the view model files) in...
View ArticleFirebase Authentication Support in Xamarin forms
Is there any support of Firebase authentication for Xamarin Forms? Please help
View ArticleHow to load an XPS format file in Xamarin.Forms
I have a requirement to load an XPS format file on iPad. Kindly suggest any solution for Xamarin.Forms.
View ArticlePixel perfect designs across all platforms
We live in the world where no one likes the platform specific look for enterprise apps other than developers. Many times a business needs consistent looking UI look across platforms. OnPlatform helps...
View ArticleXamarin build error, please help
I have purchased Visual studio 2017 professional edition .I selected xamarin developement.I just created project as follows In visual C#,Cross Plateform -> Cross Platform Apps or Native->Blank...
View ArticleNavigation Drawer is Not Collapsing
Hi, I'm working on MasterDetail page In Xamarin.forms. I can able to display NavigationDrawer with Menu Items in Android(Tablet) and in UWP(Not mobile view). But the Navigation Drawer is not hiding....
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