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View ArticleAuto Complete using Xamarin Forms in C#
Hi, I am trying to create a AutoComplete Text Entry using Xamarin Forms. Can anybody help me in creating a custom renderer for the auto complete text field in C#. I am using MVVM concept.
View ArticleXamarin.Froms 3.0 Editor \r\n handling
Hi @all, I'm, currently developing an UWP app with Xamarin.Forms 3.0 against an existing SQL Server database. Some fields are containing multi line text with \r\n as a line break. When I bind the...
View ArticleError when updating app from playstore
Hello, We got this issue today with XF3.0 and ONLY when updating from playstore for a new release in prod. If user uninstall and then reinstall the app, this error is removed and there is no crash. We...
View ArticleHow To Create A Floating Action Button In Xamarin.Forms
I needed to do this myself, and most of the solutions I found were either outdated or I found them unacceptable. Some of them led me in the right direction, though. So I figured I would share what I...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms IOS Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key
Hi, I cant figure this out: I don't know if this is the correct aproach, neither the arquitecture. But works on android and let me create pages with less code. I have what i called 'BaseQueryPage',...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.GetTasksAbi" task could not be loaded
The "Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.GetTasksAbi" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\Users\Asus.nuget\packages\xamarin.forms\\build\netstandard2.0\Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.dll. Could...
View ArticleERROR WITH LATEST NUGET v2.5.0.77 "Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.GetTasksAbi"...
I just got latest stable and I can't compile anymore [myUser]\packages\xamarin.forms\\build\netstandard1.0\Xamarin.Forms.targets(55,3): error MSB4062: The...
View ArticlePrint thermal bluetooth
Hi, I have a thermal printer via Bluetooth already connected to my application, but I'm not getting how I should print the contents of the entry. The manufacturer has reported that there is no sdk for...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Styling using StyleClass vs Style attribute
We're building a Xamarin Forms app we've noticed we could style an element in 2 ways by creating styles in the App.xaml ResourceDictionary Class and StyleClass option In App.xaml we'll write <Style...
View ArticleWarnings about failed bindings in Android logcat
Hi all, While investigating an issue with building the Android-version of our Xamarin.Forms App in VSTS (see here) I discovered a couple of surprising messages in the Android logcat, just prior to the...
View ArticleRunning unit tests for .NET Standard Library from console
Hey, I just converted my xamarin forms PCL to a .NET Standard Library. I then re-created my Unit Test project. I tried both, xunit and nunit for the Unit Test Project. In both cases the result is the...
View ArticleIs there an event that fires after a page is showed…?
Hi all Is there an event, that is fired, after a page has finished layout and is showed? I have searched for hours and don’t found any information. As one of my pages takes very long to show in WP and...
View ArticleString bitmap get url path
Hi, I need to get the url path and play in the string for an impression. Code: string address = "00:00:00:00:00:; MobilePrinter mobilePrinter = new MobilePrinter(address); mobilePrinter.Connect(); Uri...
View ArticleMessagebox like upon tapping log in button
Hi Xamarin Forum is it possible to display a message box that the text on it can be tapped and goes directly to phone dialler when I tapped login button? that message box will act like an announcement...
View ArticlePage loaded event?
Is there a good way to make your own page loaded event. I'm having an issue on android where if I build a table dynamically before the page is fully loaded (displayed) on the device that as you scroll,...
View ArticleMaster page displaying backgroundImage in iOS but not in Android Project ?
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <MasterDetailPage.Master > <ContentPage BackgroundImage="overlay.png" Title="Hello" Icon="menu.png"> <AbsoluteLayout> <StackLayout...
View ArticleMaster-detail menu - slide over top of detail page on iOS?
The default behaviour of a Master-detail type menu appears to be to push the detail page to the right when it's displayed. Is it possible to change this behaviour so that it slides over the top of the...
View Articlehow do I use an image as a canvas using skiasharp
Greetings, I want to use an image that is in the gallery of the device as a canvas to draw on it but I do not know how to do it, if someone has an example of this or if you can tell me how to do it I...
View ArticleConnecting Xamarin Forms App to Websocket
Hey together, currently I'm trying to connect my Xamarin Forms App to an Websocket. I tried differend Websockets, but not any Websocket did work. So no connecting is opended. My Code (in PCL)...
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