File Download via Xamarin.Forms.WebView
My app is a wrapper for a Xamarin.Forms.WebView through which users browse my web site. On the site users can upload files of effectively any type, and users are also able to download those files. The...
View ArticleMaking colors.xml file in Xamarin.Forms
Hi, In my Xamarin.Forms app at many places using colors. Is there any to keep those colors in separate file as we are doing in Android, There we are having colors.xml file like this i am looking in...
View ArticlePush Notification Click to details page
Hi, I'm using Xamarin forms, have implemented push notification for android and iOS. I want to navigate to the details page on click of the notification. How can i implement this. Thanks in Advance
View ArticleTwo way binding with a converter causing an infinite loop
I have a field public string Test { get { return _test; } set { if (value != _test) { _test = value; if (PropertyChanged != null) PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Test")); } } }...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms. update : project won't build
Hi, I just updated Xamarin.Forms to version as well as a couple of other packages, and I get this error, completely new for me:...
View ArticleProgrammatically focus on next entry in Listview (Android/IOS/UWP,...
I have the following xaml: <ListView x:Name="ListViewItemPage" ItemTapped="ListView_OnItemTapped" > <ListView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate x:Name="DataTemplate"> <ViewCell>...
View ArticleHow to pass a binding from Xaml to a public variable?
I have a ContentPage class (Let's call it ClassOne) that contains a public variable: public string Title { get; set; } public ClassOne() //Constructor { this.InitializeComponent(); BindingContext =...
View ArticleIs it possible in xamarin forms to scan the wifi?
I am looking to scan the result for wifi in xamarin forms. We can do it in android easily. But when I am going to do the same in xamarin forms, got stuck from last three days. Wonder why I am not...
View ArticleXamarin forms and picker do not show selected data.
I will add new record later when I update the record that I added, I have to bring all of them full. I can not get the selected data in the selector. private void lstMyVacations_ItemSelected(object...
View ArticleListView with MVVM - TapGestureRecognizer command is not working
I'm using MVVM, I'm finding that trying to detect a row being clicked to invoke a command painful to implement. It would seem that there's no ItemSelected that takes a Command, so I've tried to use the...
View ArticleWhy am I receiving a XamlParseException on my BindingContext?
I can't understand why I'm receiving a XAML parsing error: I know for a fact that my namespace declaration is correct because IntelliSense displays the class name as a suggestion when I'm setting my...
View ArticleAfter ios 11 upgrade WKWebView does not load my website.
After ios 11 upgrade WKWebView does not load my website. I added the following methods to my renderer: [Export("webViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate:")] public virtual void...
View ArticlePicker setting Model property to null, instead of setting picker SelectedItem...
I've got a XF project using XAML & MVVM, developing in Visual Studio 2017. On one of my forms I've got a picker: <Picker x:Name="pSite" Title="Site" SelectedItem="{Binding CurrentSite}"...
View ArticleWebView clear cache issue (UWP)
Hi, I followed this example for clearing cache: and it works fine on iOS, but when I'm trying to run on UWP, I'm getting the...
View ArticleSlider OnValueChanged Not Called On First Click: Any Workaround? [Testing on...
Hi there, I searched for a topic like this, and there exists two... but they are quite old and no one seems to have posted a workaround. I have a slider on my main page. I see their values via a data...
View ArticleExtending ViewModels - Good or Bad
I had a lot of ViewModels that reused a lot of the same code over and over again, mostly for listing, adding and editing data in a remote database. So I created the following base view models that...
View ArticleCould not link assemblies, Object Reference not set to an instance of an...
hi, I am trying to build in release mode to publish my app on app store, but the following problem happened, Could not link assemblies, Object Reference not set to an instance of an object, Release...
View ArticleLabel FontSize OnPlatform - XAML error
Hey, i have this code: <Label x:Name="questionGroupHintInfoLabel" FontAttributes="Bold" Text="Folgende Hinweismeldung wurde für die aktuelle Fragengruppe hinterlegt:"> <Label.FontSize>...
View ArticleSlideOverKit not showing on iOS
@MichaelRidland I'm using SlideOverKit to show a SlideDownMenu. Using the sample app as a basis, I've got it working with Android, but for iOS no menu appears. I get no errors - just no menu. My XAML...
View ArticleXamarin.Android.Common.targets - Name cannot begin with the '$' character,...
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/Android/Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(3,3): Warning: Name cannot begin with the '$' character, hexadecimal value 0x24. I am building a...
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