I'm having problems with navigation after user taps a local notification. My goal is to navigate user to specific view after he taps a notification. I already managed to make it work on both Android and iOS but I have problems with Windows Phone. As far I know on Windows Phone I can navigate between views using URIs. Class ScheduledToastNotification as a parameter gets a XML template of notification. I can set the 'launch' attribute of that XML with URI which should navigate me to specific view. I have two problems however:
In my Windows Phone project I have only MainPage.xaml view that I can navigate to. All other Views are contained in PCL and I don't know if it is possible to provide URI that points to View in PCL.
If 'launch' parameter of XML template is set and application is running (no matter if it is in foreground on background) I get an exception after notification is tapped.
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Code that I use to set notification on Windows Phone:
public void Notify(INotification notification)
var _notifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier();
var _toastNotificationSchema = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastText01);
var toastText = _toastNotificationSchema.GetElementsByTagName("text");
((XmlElement)toastText[0]).InnerText = notification.NotificationText;
IXmlNode toastNode = _toastNotificationSchema.SelectSingleNode("/toast");
((XmlElement)toastNode).SetAttribute("launch", string.Format("/MainPage.xaml?notificationID={0}", notification.ID));
var scheduledNotification = new ScheduledToastNotification(_toastNotificationSchema,
{Id = notification.ID.ToString()};
I think I could somehow hack solution of my issue if I would be able to set Query String and then access if after app is brought to foreground after user taps notification. I don't know if it is possible though.
Is there any way I can achieve navigation using local notifications on Windows Phone? I know that push notifications would solve all my problems but unfortunately I cannot use that.