I'm having some trouble to generate an IPA for my Xamarin Forms iOS project on Jenkins. I follow the documentation (http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/ci/jenkins_walkthrough/).
I'm able to build the application with mdtool but there isn't any IPA file in my project after the end of Jenkins' job.
I see some discussion on the forum that tell to use the archive method instead of the build for mdtool. But that didn't change anything either.
I also try to use xcrun to create the IPA file after the application build, but i have that kind of error :
error: Unable to copy application 'iOS/bin/iPhone/Release/Application.iOS.app/' into '/var/folders/v2/gnnclzrd2g98zqc89qn204km00007h/T/VXEBXe7WNV/Payload'
There's not a lot of explanation on how the IPA is generated on the documentation so i'd like to have a clarification on that.
Is anyone manage to create an IPA in Jenkins for their iOS Xamarin Forms project ?
If so how do you do it ? I could give you more information about the Jenkins' job i use, ... if necessary.