Hi all,
I'm going to create new custom DropDownList in Xamarin.Forms. I created a new ContentView which contains very basic controls.
- Button Title (HeightRequest = 50)
- ListView
When click on the Button Title -> ListView will be toggled displaying (show/hide)
2 controls wrapped in an AbsoluteLayout (HeightRequest = 50).
I'm having Issues
-> When I click on the Button Title -> The ListView displayed but cannot clickable because the AbsoluteLayout has HeightRequest = 50.
-> When I put them into a StackLayout
<StackLayout Grid.Row="0" Orientation="Vertical">
<customDropDown:SimpleDropDown x:Name="ddl01"></customDropDown:SimpleDropDown>
<customDropDown:SimpleDropDown x:Name="ddl02"></customDropDown:SimpleDropDown>
When the ddl01 shown. It's z-index smaller than the ddl02. So the ListView of ddl01 is under ddl02.
-> Last thing, when I click ddl02 or any other control on the screen. How can I hide the ListView of ddl01 when it's showing?
Thanks & best regards,