I’m trying to run the the Xamarin project downloaded from the Azure App Service (Deployment --> Quickstart --> Xamarin.forms).
When the app service is configured with sqllite, everything runs fine. I can see all the records inserted on Azure database, on the app service trough “Easy tables”, and I can get (read) all the records from Azure to the application (droid, ios and uwp)
When the app service is configured with a connection string to SQL Azure, I can’t do nothing (insert rows, get rows, etc), but, trough the Azure “Easy tables”, I can creat the table I need to run the projet (todoitem) – it means the connection is correct, I guess.
Connection String parameters:
NAME: MS_TableConnectionString
VALUE: Data Source=tcp: srvmyapp.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=DBmyapp;User ID=user@srvmyapp;Password=mypassword
Thank you for helping.