I'm using Xamarin.Mobile to get the curernt location for the device. I have read the it does not work in the simulator.
Now I have testet it on a device (IOS 9.1)
But with no luck.
The GetPositionAsync never returns.
`public async Task GetCurrentLocation()
var locator = new Geolocator { DesiredAccuracy = 50 };
var cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
var location = GeoLocation.Undefined;
await locator.GetPositionAsync(1000, cancelSource.Token).ContinueWith(
t => location = t.IsCompleted
? new GeoLocation(t.Result.Latitude, t.Result.Longitude)
: GeoLocation.Undefined,
return location;
Anyone that knows what to do?
Br Morten