In this project, A part of XAML is required in several places so I put it on App. Xaml it Ui part is working. but I need to add an item tapped event or anything. In order to have to go to another page, I need to use the item tapped command but in here they did not recognize its name in the app.Xaml code behind.
are there a better way to do this without put this on APP.xaml or if this is the way how to use that item tapped in here
<ControlTemplate x:Key="PageTemplate">
<RowDefinition Height="8*"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
<ContentPresenter Grid.Row="0"></ContentPresenter>
<customRenderes:NavigationImageButton Source="IconFAB" Grid.Row="1"
I need to do some function when this floating menu is tapped how to do this are a there better way to do this without doing it on App.Xaml or If this is the way How to do this