SQL Lite states that its added support for Xamrian Forms and .net standard and yet when I rebuild my project all references disappear what it the correct library I need to get SQL lite working in .net standard 2.0 I am using it to sync between a mobile app and the server.
So what are the correct references also I don't want to go to the expense of AWS or Azure are there any other third party cheaper alts i used to love parse.io was great for what it was.
But my ultimate question is how do i get sql lite playing ball with visual studio 2019 .net standard 2.0 xamrain forms project.
public async Task SyncAllDeliverys()
Task<string> callTask = Task.Run(() => GetDeliverysFromAPi());
// Wait for it to finish
// Get the result
string content = callTask.Result;
//Sends a GET request to the specified Uri and returns the response body as a string in an asynchronous operation
deliverysItems = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<DeliverysItems>>(content); //Deserializes or converts JSON String into a collection of Post
SQLiteAsyncConnection conn = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(dbPath);
await conn.InsertAllAsync(deliverysItems);