This is a formated version of this question as I cannot edit it
I have this attached behavior:
public enum TextType { Email, Phone, }
public static class Validator
public static readonly BindableProperty TextTypeProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached(
"TextType", typeof(TextType), typeof(Validator), null, propertyChanged: ValidateText);
public static TextType GetTextType(BindableObject view)
return (TextType)view.GetValue(TextTypeProperty);
public static void SetTextType(BindableObject view, TextType textType)
view.SetValue(TextTypeProperty, textType);
private static void TextTypeChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var entry = bindable as Entry;
entry.TextChanged += Entry_TextChanged;
private static void Entry_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
var entry = sender as Entry;
bool isValid = false;
switch (GetTextType(sender as Entry))
case TextType.Email:
isValid = e.NewTextValue.Contains("@");
case TextType.Phone:
isValid = Regex.IsMatch(e.NewTextValue, @"^\d+$");
if (isValid)
entry.TextColor = Color.Default;
entry.TextColor = Color.Red;
in XAML:
<Entry beh:Validator.TextType="Email" Placeholder="Validate Email"/>
when I run the application on this page, the TextTypeChanged
is not called, unless I change the defaultValue
to a member of the TextType