Hi all
I my app, I show (inter alia) an detail-page with a StackLayout in a ScrollView.
The data are queried from a web-service.
While the page is shown in about a second in iOS and Android, it takes about 5! seconds to show the page on a Windows-Phone.
And... I have bought the latest Nokia Lumia 930 (= the device is not the problem).
The query of the web-service also is not the problem.
It simply seems, as that the rendering of the page take so much time, what is not nice, as the user then see a "black screen" for 5 seconds.
On the "mother-page" of the detail-page, I show a ListView with up to 200 entry's (including a small image).
=> This page (with the ListView) performs normal/well.
I wonder, that the ListView performs well, but not the StackLayot/ScrollView.
Does anyone have the same problem...?:
Does anyone know, if this is known as problem and will be solved in future releases?
Thanks for any feedback