I have following codes in my custom view class and xaml files:
my custom property:
public static readonly BindableProperty LabelColorProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached("LabelColor", typeof(Color), typeof(InfoCell), Color.White,
propertyChanged: HandleLabelColorChange);
public static Color GetLabelColor(BindableObject target) {
return (Color)target.GetValue(LabelColorProperty);
public static void SetLabelColor(BindableObject target, Color value) {
target.SetValue(LabelColorProperty, value);
private static void HandleLabelColorChange(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue){
//here i do stuff
my xaml tag:
<ce:InfoCell DescriptionText="{Binding DetailCount}" LabelColor="{StaticResource primaryTextColor}"/>
my static resource in App.xaml
<Color x:Key="primaryTextColor">White</Color>
When i pass a color property to LabelColor like White, Black etc. everything is ok. But when i pass a static resource like above
a compile time error occurs like
No property, bindable property, or event found for 'LabelColor', or mismatching type between value and property...
So, what am i missing?
Thanks in advence..