I updated VS community for mac using the auto update prompt. I have since been unable to build the android project in this solution. I'm already 3 days overdue for a deadline due to medical issues and this is really making me sweat. Is there any way I can resolve this or pre-populate the cache as a workaround? I don't think we are directly using anything relating to android wear so I am confused why I'm needing that file to begin with. I would greatly appreciate any help or advice at this point.
This part of the build appears to be failing:
Target _XamarinBuildDownloadPartialZipsCore:
Starting XamarinDownloadPartialZips
CacheDirectory: /Users/company-name/Library/Caches/XamarinBuildDownload/
Starting XamarinDownloadPartialZips
CacheDirectory: /Users/company-name/Library/Caches/XamarinBuildDownload/
Downloading Partial Zip parts from: [SEE URL BELOW]
/Users/company-name/product-xamarin-internal/src/packages/Xamarin.Build.Download.0.4.2/build/Xamarin.Build.Download.targets(47,3): error XBD009: Partial Download Failed for one or more parts
/Users/company-name/product-xamarin-internal/src/packages/Xamarin.Build.Download.0.4.2/build/Xamarin.Build.Download.targets(47,3): error : Invalid 'HttpContent' instance provided. It does not have a content type header starting with 'multipart/'.
/Users/company-name/product-xamarin-internal/src/packages/Xamarin.Build.Download.0.4.2/build/Xamarin.Build.Download.targets(47,3): error : Parameter name: content
/Users/company-name/product-xamarin-internal/src/packages/Xamarin.Build.Download.0.4.2/build/Xamarin.Build.Download.targets(47,3): error XBD404: Please open the Android SDK Manager and install the latest version of 'Google Repository' from the 'Extras' section, and then reload your solution.
Done building target "_XamarinBuildDownloadPartialZipsCore" in project "product.Droid.csproj" -- FAILED.
Edit: I've had to modify the URL used in the log as I'm not allowed to post links.... [https - /dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/google_m2repository_gms_v9_1_rc07_wear_2_0_1_rc3.zip]