I have a small project using XamarinForms and Prism MVVM. On the settings page I save Author's ID from the Picker. When I return to the settings page I want that Author to be selected by default in the picker.
This is my Picker in Xaml:
<Picker x:Name="authorPicker" Title="Select Author" FontSize="Medium"
HorizontalOptions="StartAndExpand" VerticalOptions="Center"
ItemsSource="{Binding NoteAuthors}"
ItemDisplayBinding="{Binding Name}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedAuthor, Mode=TwoWay}"
Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" />
When Author is selected I got this in ViewModel and it works fine:
private NoteAuthor _selectedAuthor;
public NoteAuthor SelectedAuthor
get { return _selectedAuthor; }
{ if (_selectedAuthor != value)
SetProperty(ref _selectedAuthor, value);
In the ViewModel > OnNavigatingTo function I call the GetAuthor function which returns Author based on previously saved ID.
public async void GetAuthor(int author_id)
NewNoteAuthor = await App.Database.GetAuthorById(author_id);
if(NewNoteAuthor != null && NewNoteAuthor.ID > 0)
SelectedAuthor = NewNoteAuthor;
How can I "jump" to this Author on Picker when page opens? The assignment in GetAuthor function doesn't work for me.