Hello! I am having a very hard time with this issue. It seems very strange and I am starting to wonder whether this is actually a Xamarin bug or one og my own. Please help me out if possible.
I have tried very many scenarios with this code and none seemed to work. All of the scenarios were aimed to do the following:
I have two buttons. One button gets a photo from the native gallery and displays it on the screen. The second button is meant to send that photo to the server.
Although I have tried the CrossMedia plugin in step one, I get my photo from the library using the standard Dependancy Service as follows.
private byte[] _globalDataArray;
private async void UploadPhotoButton_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
_globalDataArray = await DependencyService.Get<IPicturePicker>().GetImageStreamAsync();
if (_globalDataArray != null)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(_globalDataArray);
SelectedImage.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => stream);
I changed the native code to return the byte[]. It used to return Stream. I thought the error happened because of that but that wasnt the case. Anyway in step two I try and work with the _globalDataArray object and send it over to my web api server which passed all tests. If I send an byte[] that I randomply create here it works fine.
private async void UploadPhotoButton_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var gal = new GalleryResource()
Pic = _globalDataArray
MemoryObjects.CurrentGallery = gal;
var ctr = HelperMethods.GetInstance<GalleryController>();
await ctr.Post();
Finally here is the repository part where it all falls:
public async Task<TEntity> Post(object obj, string endPoint)
var stringContent = _repService.ConvertObjectToStringContent(obj);
/**/ exception happens on the line below**
var response = await _client.PostAsync(endPoint, stringContent );
if (await InternalServerError(response))
return null;
return _repService.CreateObjectFromHttpResponse<TEntity>(response).Result;
catch (Exception e)
await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Repository Error 3",
Errors.RepositoryError_3 + Environment.NewLine + e.ToString(), "Ok");
return null;
Really stuck on why this happens...