I have an app that I've just upgraded to XF 3.0 from 2.4, I now get an exception when calling "Navigation.PopModalAsync" because there is nothing in the stack to pop. Actual error is an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
To add to the stack I am using the below code to show my Walkthrough page modally. I note that after I call PushModalAsync and I put a breakpoint in the OnAppearing override within WalkthroughPage - the Navigation.ModalStack.Count property is set to 0.
var pgWalk = new WalkthroughPage(_clsLogin);
await Navigation.PushModalAsync(pgWalk, true);
I believe the problem is that the PushModalAsync (Which is actually showing the page modally in the simulator) is not adding to the stack. I just don't have the knowledge to work out why that is the case. Is this a bug or have I done something wrong?
Current version is the Stable Channel:
Xamarin.iOS -
Xcode - 9.4
Xamarin.Forms -