I've got an Entry control on my Xamarin application home page, which is used for entering a person's age. I've set the keyboard to be Keyboard="Numberic"
However, this is causing confusion as, for Android at least (I haven't tested on iOS or Windows Phone yet), the "Done" key is below backspace, but above the settings key as well as the .- key. This means when the user is trying to press "Done", they're forgetting that the key isn't in the bottom right-hand corner as you'd expect, and they keep pressing the settings key by mistake and going into their phone settings, which is a bit irritating, understandably.
Is it possible to either disable the settings key and the .- key, or swap their positions around? I'm not expecting it to be possible, so in which case, is there another way that I can get around this?
Screenshot to clarify what I mean - can the keys with the settings cog and the ".-" be moved or disabled, to prevent the user opening their phone settings and putting negative/decimal numbers in? Alternatively, is there anything else that I can do to prevent these two keys from working?