Creating chat like ui seem pretty hard on Android and iOS.
I have issue where the entry view is in the bottom of the page and when the keyboard is shown, I want the entry view to be on top of keyboard.
Ultimately I also want to add more custom keyboard view to replace the space of keyboard for accessing other functionality. (such as on iOS text message, keyboard section can change to emoticon picker, image taker/picker, drawing ...etc)
So issues....
On iOS,
I found a renderer to shift the whole page up on firstresponding so that the page is on top of the keyboard. which is good but still issue issue with smoothness of the page moving.
I could potentially use InputAccessoryview for this, but again I need to have some other custom keyboard fucntionality to replace the space of the keyboard below the entry field.
On Android,
It looks like it pushes the page up and find the coordinate of the entry which seem like its working but, keyboard is still hiding small amount of the entry field view still making it look like the keyboard is hiding the view.
Does android have InputAccessoryVIew like component?/service?
Couldnt really find good open sources that deal well of chat like UI using XF. And it seem like I have to create total different and total native view for two platform..
Anyone have idea/solution/source?
Wrapping contents in scrollview is not the answer im looking for.