I have set an image as background in the Content Page
But the text or labels inside it affecting the opacity even though I have set the stacklayout opacity to 1. Everything in the screen applied by the opacity i have set in the background image. My goal is to set a background image as water mark to the login screen thats why I need to set the background image into opacity.
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
<StackLayout Opacity="1">
<StackLayout Padding="15">
<Image Aspect="AspectFit" Source="truck_black.png"
WidthRequest="130" HeightRequest="100"/>
<StackLayout Spacing="0">
<StackLayout Padding="15,7,15,15" VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand">
<StackLayout VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand">
<Label Text="Company Code" TextColor="Black" FontSize="14"/>
<Entry x:Name="companyCodeEntry" TextColor="Black" Text="" FontSize="14"/>
<Label Text="Username" TextColor="Black" FontSize="14"/>
<Entry x:Name="usernameEntry" TextColor="Black" Text="" FontSize="14"/>
<Label Text="Password" TextColor="Black" FontSize="14"/>
<Entry x:Name="passwordEntry" IsPassword="true" TextColor="Black" Text="" FontSize="14"/>