Hi All,
I am facing LIST VIEW related issues after upgrading to Xamarin Forms package.
ItemTapped event is not working for Newly added item into list.
If item is already added into the list its working fine, but if you add item dynamically then Tapped event is not executing for new items. It's working fine for ANDROID.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Create Xamarin.Forms project.
- Select Platform UWP.
3 . Upgrade to Xamarin.Forms Nuget to - Add ListView with 2-3 items and one button.
5.Bind ItemTapped event to listView using Xamarin.Forms.BehaviorsPack. - Run Project.
- ItemTapped will work fine for 2-3 items. Now click on Button and Added Item into the list on each click dynamically. ItemTapped will not work for Newly added item.
Version Info:
XF Version :
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
Version 15.6.4
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.7.03056