I created a new ResourceDictionary XAML file:
?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
<Color x:Key="Color1">Aqua</Color>
App4.MyResources is declared as:
public partial class MyResources : ResourceDictionary { ... }
In the ContentPage, I'm attempting to merge the MyResources dictionary with the local ContentPage's resources dictionary as follows:
<!--MainPage.xaml is of type ContentPage-->
<ResourceDictionary MergedWith="local:MyResources">
<Style x:Key="MyEntryStyle" TargetType="Entry">
<Style x:Key="AnotherStyle">...</Style>
Finally, in the same ContentPage when I try to use the Color1 resource from the merged dictionary, it won't load. {StaticResource} gives me an error and {DynamicResource} does not work.
<Button Text="Test" TextColor="{DynamicResource Color1}" />
I included in my code example a simple Color object, but I've tried with <Style>
objects too and I can't use them.
In debug mode, the ContentPage.Resources object shows the MergedWith property correctly set, but the Keys property only has 2 keys (the ones from the MainPage.xaml). Attached you can find the Watch Window with the this.Resources inspection.
Is this a bug?