I am very new to Xamarin.Forms, so I apologize if this seems obvious. I have tried to search for an answer but I can't find one.
I am creating a UI with a few pages. One page is using a 3 x 9 Grid as it's root layout. In a certain position on the grid I want to place a box with rounded corners, in which I want a label to display some information.
I have created the box shape using a Frame, and set the CornerRadius property accordingly to obtain rounded corners. This is working just fine.
Now, I want to lower the height of the frame, which seems doable when I do not add the label. When I do add the label, the frame's height property seems to be ignored. I basically want the Frame to be squished in the height direction, so the Frame appears elongated.
This is the XAML for the Frame and the Label:
<br /> <Grid>
BackgroundColor="{StaticResource Grey}"
FontSize="14" Style="{StaticResource SoundScapeLabel}"/>
I have currently tried setting the Frame's HeightRequest to various values, which does not seem to affect the outcome. I have also tried to remove the Horizontal and Vertical options to no avail. I added the Stacklayout as a random effort to see if that had an effect, but no.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
Justa Haasbin