Hi ,
I have issue in Setting the Tab Item Icon with TabbedPage Concept.
As mentioned in working with images link, i have included the jpg images as **Build Action: BundleResource **. But it shows only Blue color box rather than showing the original image in iOS platform.
Kindly find below my sample code and Images for your reference.
TabbedPage Parent Xaml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<TabbedPage x:Name="TabbPage" xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
<local:TappedPage1 Title="Filter" Icon = "Test.jpg" />
<local:TappedPage2 Title="Search" />
<local:TappedPage1 Title="Call" />
<local:TappedPage2 Title="Team"/>
Reference Images Link:
- Application Directory
- iOS Output
Note: When i set the Image Control Image Source="waterfront.jpg" in tab item , the image is shown properly.
Also, Please suggest the when will the same feature will be available for Android platform as well.
Thanks in Advance.
Best Regards,
Kathirvelu M