I posted the below on StackOverflow with no luck, maybe somebody here can assist.
I am attempting to implement backend server authentication for my App Service in Azure using Google. I used
the guide at causerexception com/2017/12/03/google-native-login-with-xamarin-forms/ to implement authentication in my app. It works until I add in .RequestIdToken(serverClientId or .RequestServerAuthCode.
public GoogleManager()
Instance = this;
String serverClientId = "XXXXXXXXXXXXX";
GoogleSignInOptions gso = new
_googleApiClient = new
.AddApi(Auth.GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_API, gso)
.AddScope(new Scope(Scopes.Profile))
I have verify that my ClientID and ClientSecret are the same in both Azure, GoogleAPIs, and the Xamarin App. The will return GoogleApi will return a status code of 10 when it fails but I can't find any message that associates to that. I believe it has something to do with the ClientId I provided. I have been stuck on this for 4 days now, so any help is greatly appreciated.