We have the following navigation hierarchy in place:
Login (ContentPage)
-> Home (ContentPage)
--> List of Items (ContentPage)
---> Details View (TabbedPage)
----> Add Entry (ContentPage without NavigationBar)
----> Read Only View Entry (ContentPage)
On the Add Entry page, we removed the navigation bar so we could add a guard to the back navigation so users do not lose their data from accidental taps. We also have a button on the TabbedPage that pulls up the device camera allowing users to capture pictures for later use.
The problem comes into play when returning to the TabbedPage (Details View), from either the Camera or the Add Entry screen. The tabbedpage resizes itself and the tabs pushed past the bottom of the screen on iOS. Checking the page size before and after navigation shows that the TabbedPage is resizing itself based on the previous page height (i.e. a page without the navigation bar or the screen the plugin displays when capturing photos).
Rotating the phone to landscape and back to portrait corrects the sizing issue but that is obviously a major issue for our users. We have tried to set the height of the page based on the height of the tabbedpage when it first renders but that is being ignored as well.
This is also not a constant issue. One developer can build the app using the Ad-Hoc configuration and the problem does not exist; however, if he builds using debug, it is present. Another dev has the problem regardless of Ad-Hoc or Debug.
We have one dev on the team staying up to date with Xamarin updates while others are staying one or two behind in case of problems. The dev with the most current version of Xamarin and VS2017 has the problem regardless of configuration. We have updated NUget packages, completely deleted the local repository, rolled back to an old branch and nothing seems to fix this issue.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? The pages in question have not changed in a few months so no recent code changes were the obvious source.