Hi All,
I have a ControlTemplet which is common for all the content pages which i have used in my Application. and my Control templet Contains A hamburger button at the top left corner , So now when i will inherit the control templet on all the pages the hamburger button is visible .. as we know that the control templet is on App.cs class so the clicked event of hamburger button is also on the app.cs class file . now i have to open the side navigation from each page but every time event is fired on App.cs file . now the problem is everytime whenever i am clicking the hamburger button side menu appears but detail page again set as the page i have set when creating masterdetailapge. i need that when ever i clicked hamburger button that time detail page should remain the same detail page on which i am right now . but now whenever i am clicking the hamburger button everytime detail page changes to lets say home page from any ContentPage.
@AlessandroCaliaro @MichaelRidland @JamesMontemagno @NMackay @adamkemp