I'm investigating a memory leak (or leaks) which seem to be core to our Forms app.
We're using FreshMvvm, which previously had a pretty bad leak due to Pages/PageModels not being garbage collected. Michael Ridland (FreshMvvm) author) fixed that, which is great.
However, we're still seeing the figure returned by GC.GetTotalMemory() steadily increase. It does decrease, but the general trend is upwards.
I've stripped things right back so that I've just got a plain Page which pushes another page and we can then pop back to the first.
Doing this, I'm seeing GC.GetTotalMemory() generally increase by 2K - 4K every cycle. This is after forcibly calling GC.Collect();
We're running Xamarin.Forms - I know this is quite old, but we really don't want to upgrade as we don't want to introduce 'new Forms' bugs! However, I have tried experimentally upgrading to, and I see the same behaviour (as well as aspects of the app stop working with this version).
Short of using Profiler, are there any investigative techniques I can use to find the culprit?
My next step will be to strip more and more out!