Have read pretty much every article I can find on it, not sure what I am doing wrong. I have LaunchScreen.storyboard file in my Resources directory, a Asset Catalog that has AppIcons filled with LaunchImages empty. Created another one called images, and added 1x 2x and 3x images, not sure of the resolution these need to be for them to be scaled correctly to iPhone 7/8 Plus and X. In my info.plist, I have the Launch Images Source set to None and Launch Screen set to my storyboard which is LaunchScreen. In my LaunchScreen.storyboard I have a view controller added, then add an image, that points to Images from my Asset Catalog. The launhscreen image is a full screen image, so I resize it for iPhone 7/8, but then when viewing iPhone 7/8Plus and X, the image is not set correctly, even though Scale to Fit is selected. The Storyboard Document has 'Use Auto Layout', Use Size Classes and Can be Launch Screen ticked. iOS build is set to 11.2.
I must be missing something small, my guess is perhaps the Asset Catalog is somehow incorrect? Maybe the wrong image size? Have deleted the Asset Catalog and Storyboard multiple times, and refreshed the simulator, but it also happens on a physical iPhone X device. The image is simply not scaling to anything other than the iPhone 8, which is how the image has been added and resized to.
Any help would be appreciated.